Destiny: This is an end to the best chapter of my life


Me, James, Eldon and West were in the lobby waiting for The Next Step to be called out before we went on the dance floor

Eldon: Today's the final round in the Bangers and Mashups international hip-hop extravaganza... and it's down to us and Fuego Fuego.

"I'm so excited for this." I said smiling and looking at West who smiled back at me

"Yeah, man."

"You guys are, like, my best friends." James randomly said to us and we all smiled at him

"You're mine too" I told James who chuckled

James: I'm trying my hardest to forget about Riley today, because I owe it to the boys to focus on the competition. We've been dancing together since we were little kids, and all around the world. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have by my side right now.

Destiny: I have traveled with theses guys for 5 years now and this is were it ends. In London, Bangers and Mash-ups finals.

"Guys we have to give it our all. This is the last time we dance together and lets make this a memory worth remembering. We've been on so many adventures, I really think this one's the best one, though. I love you guys" I told them with little tears rolling down my cheeks

West: We all have to be ready to dance today. But, honestly, I'm a bit worried about James.

"Love you too captain" West said soluting me and Eldon bowing

"Get up" I said then he got up


"Lets give it the best you got. Next Step, on three. One, two, three!" I said as we put our hands in

"Next Step!" We said while we stood at the enterence before entering Bangers

"Competing against them is the Next Step Dance Studio!" The host said as we ran on the stage

West: Walking up this ramp, I realise, by tonight, we'll either be the hip-hop champions of the world, or we'll go home empty-handed. Time to find out.

"Two teams enter. One team leaves. Let the battle begin!" Masked Man says and I took my jacket off since I was first

West: We're about to compete against the best hip-hop team in the world.

Eldon: There is absolutely zero room for error today.

"This is no ordinary dance-off, because it's not over until four dancers from one team have all been eliminated. Are you guys ready?"She asked us and the crowd cheers

Destiny: I have to dance-battle this first dancer. If I win I get to dance-battle the next guy on the opposing team.

West: As long as you keep winning dance battles, you keep going, until all three dancers on the other team are out.

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