mystery number zero

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you were aimlessly walking down the hallway until you stumbled upon your designated area. the girls bathroom. you pushed the door open almost knocking it off its hinges.

you stared at the window and there was a boy about a few inches shorter than you. he stared at you in awe as you approached him smiling softly. "hey little brother!" "[y/n]..? you actually found me!" he smiled gleefully at you.

"hows death been treating you?" "pretty nice, i found a pretty girl.. her names yashiro nene!" "oh i know that girl!" "you do?" after you and your younger brother caught up with each other, nene came in the bathroom with kou. "so, is tsukasa still acting different?" "yeah..hes—" "haanako-kuuun!! ah- hey [y/n] i didnt expect you to be here!" "is this who you meant when you said i reminded you of someone nene-san?" "yeah you and hanako-kun look exactly the same! but.. ya know!" "yeah i know.." kou just stood there looking back and forth between you and your twin.

"eh hanako, you never told us you had an older sister?" "shes not technically my biological sister.." hanako stated as you nodded along with his words

"our mother was with another man before she met my step father, or their father. the man she was with was african american and they had a baby! but my father was a terrible person and left my mom to have the baby on her own. i ended up having the same skin-tone as him and looking just a bit like my mother."

after you continued your story mitsuba climbed out of the mirror "who's this?" he said calmly

"im [y/n] yugi, nice to meet you!" you put your hand out floating next to your little brother.

"im mitsuba" he didn't shake your hand. "nice to meet you too.


"ahem.. so i heard you're school mystery number zero?" kou said to break the maladroitly quietness in the room.
"yeah! im the controller of the flow of lawfulness! i help my little brother with keeping the peace in the school. except he deals with the supernaturals and humans, and i deal with keeping track of who does what. oh and i also have super cool powers!"

"like what." mitsuba said nonchalantly

"teleportation, mind-control, manipulation of objects, mind reading, and other things! so basically anything a psychic can do!"

your pov —

a few weeks later and i started getting used to hanging out the toilet gang. hanako is a bit too protective of me but its fine! i've been staying in the bathroom with him in the same stall as him. he's been telling me about the supernaturals with inappropriate behavior and the oddities of the school! if he didn't tell me it id go and find some out myself.

mitsuba's been getting more and more distant from me within the past eight or nine weeks. its hard to keep track of time when you're dead since theres no real point in it. nobody really mentions the racial differences between me and my little brothers, which is good.

i've also noticed that nene-san and little brother are starting to get a lot closer! i actually cant wait for them to actually go out. its obvious nene likes hanako since shes always blushing around him and vice versa.

i calmly closed my diary and stood up. hanako was sitting across from me, he was deep in thought and it was kinda awkward realizing how inaudible it was..

i sat next to him and gave him a nice good noogie. "whats wrong lil bro?"

"you know how i told you yashiro's gonna die soon?" "oh.."

well that damn sure was the kinda twist to make someones heart drop down into their stomach acid.

i tried to maintain composure and hugged him in a reassuring manner.
"its okay.. you said you would fix it right?" "yeah but it'll be our last times seeing each other, so im trying to spend as much time with her as possible."

"wait whats that supposed to mean?"


"i-i need some time to thing about this [y/n]-onee san." "okay little bro, ill leave you to it. just dont do anything reckless, dummy! i love you.." "i love you too"

hmm.. i wonder why mitsuba is so distant? maybe ill go talk to him! i could actually get to know him.. he doesnt really talk to me much, only the others..


second person

you floated into the mirror carelessly. "PINK BOYYY IM HERE!!" you exclaimed evidently energized. "im over here [y/n]" 'what the hell.. i just realized..' you thought

"hey pinkie pie, why dont i have a nickname?" "what do you mean?" "i mean you just call me by my legal name but you gave everyone else a stupidly funny nickname."


Mitsuba x Black!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin