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"Effective teamwork is important not only for an organization to succeed but also for its people's wellbeing."


1.0 Youth Organization - is a collection of teams comprising of youth people

- The success of a youth organization depends on the ability of the teams within it to work together to attain commonly held objectives. 

- Because organizations are becoming increasingly more complex. 

- Team leaders must be concerned with developing more cohesive and cooperative relations between the teams. 

- The development of effective teams within the organization will determine to a large extent, the ability of the youth organization to attain its goals.

2.0 Factors Contributing to Team Development and Effectiveness 

Team development - is based on the assumption that any team is able to work more effectively if its members are familiar with the nine factors that contribute to team development and effectiveness. 

These are:

1. Shared Goals and Objectives 

- Team must state their goals and objectives. 

- The goal must be an overall understanding of the role of the team in the total organization.

2. Utilization of Resources 

The team must use effectively all the resources at its disposal. 

- This means establishing an environment that allows individual resources to be used. Maximum use of team members requires full participation and self-regulation.

3. Trust and Conflict Resolution - The ability to openly recognize conflict and to seek to resolve it through discussion is critical to the team's success.

4. Shared Leadership - Individuals will not function as a team if they are brought together simply to "rubber stamp" decisions made by the team's formal leader or others not in the team. 

- The development and cohesion of a team occurs only where there is a feeling of shared leadership among all team members.

3.0 Team Building and Management

1. A team is a number of people associated together in work or activity.

- It is put together in a coordinated ensemble, marked by devotion to teamwork rather than individual achievement.

2. The relationship in an organization or movement, the people have various expectations of each other

- These expectations sometimes are not stated, and sometimes they are unconscious. In the rush of activity, an organization may move along but friction often begins to build up between people. 

- Many times, it is because we have different expectations of others and of ourselves in doing a particular task.

3. The management of the organization means proper coordination and coordination implies enabling people to reach their own goals transform their situation and take their destiny into their own hands.

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