"Be kind to her Victoria." Richard demanded. "Yes sir." Victoria agreed with a sigh.

Richard then fixed the grass. "Alright try again." He ordered. She swung hitting the grass again. "I'm betting that was wrong too." She awkwardly said swaying making Victoria laugh once again.

Later Rory finally hit the ball, it landed in the water but she still hit it or at least that's what she told herself. "I can't believe I hit the ball." Victoria nodded. "Yeah me either it only took 10 tries." Richard nodded.

"10 more than you attempted." Victoria shrugged. "And very proudly."

"That hit was quite impressive Rory." Richard told the girl. "It landed in the water." She contradicted. "Well, yes. But the splash was quite impressive." Victoria nodded. "Very true."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

They looked around at all of the beautiful oak trees surrounding them as they continued to walk through the land surrounding the club.

"This place is so beautiful." Rory stated. "I could see just coming here to think or read. Although that probably defeats the purpose of the holes with the flags in them." Victoria laughed.

"Me too, this place is really amazing." Richard nodded. "I suppose there is something rather serene about walking around here." Victoria nodded.

"Do you come here every week?" Rory asked. "No. When I can. I'm often working on the weekends." Victoria looked down. "Well that sucks. Total bummer." Richard nodded. "Isn't it?" He sighed.

"This place would be nice to just come to when you need to clear your head or your worries. I suppose someone who's not a member cant just come her randomly." Richard shook his head.

"No but if you ever want to come back just let me know. I can pull a few strings." Richard told Victoria confidently. "Thanks grandpa." He smiled. "Anytime."

Suddenly a guy waved at him. "Hello Richard." Richard smiled. "Hello."

"Can I ask you a question?" Rory asked richard he nodded. "Uh-huh." She continued walking. "What do you do?" She asked.

"I'm the executive vice-president of the German-Driscoll Insurance Corperation." He told her. "That sounds really fancy and important." Victoria observed. "That it is." He smiled.

Richard explained his duties in the company and they then got on the topic of Travel. "Where would you girls like to go in this fine world?" Rory smiled.

"Hundreds of places, Paris, Rome, London, Prague." Richard nodded. "And You Victoria." Victoria nodded.

"I would like to go to England for the historical aspects of it but I also would like to go to places with mountains and beautiful breathtaking sights. In or out of the country I just want to see places other than here, but still always have the option of coming home."

Richard nodded. "I can understand that, for breathtaking mountainous views I would recommend Georgia, West Virginia, Colorado, Arkansas, Tennessee, etc." She nodded. "Sounds perfect."

Richard looked down at the two of them. "I think traveling for any young girl is  a very important thing. Your mother never got to travel much."

"Yeah she says that all the time, I think its one of her regrets." Victoria stated. "She does?" He asked. "We've got a deal for when the two of us graduate from high school, were all gonna go backpacking through Europe together."Rory explained, causing Richard to laugh slightly.

"I don't know if I could see you girls 'backpacking' anywhere. Especially Victoria." Victoria looked down. "I would argue but I don't know either. I would do it for mom and Rory though."

YOU BELONG WITH ME// j.mariano Where stories live. Discover now