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This one-shot is based on a ones-shot I read a while back that never got updated so I'll do the author the honors and remake his amazing fanfic. This idea belongs to the author I'll make sure to give him credit after I find the fanfic again.

Prologue: After the events of Y2V9 Kiyotaka Ayanokoji went to the theater to clear his mind and think about future plans. However, after making it to the theater he started to walk down to his seat at the very front but slipped on melted ice cream and began to slip, tumble, and fall head-first into the railing. After being in the emergency room for two days he woke up without any recollection of the past three years believing that he had been transported to another part of the white room. He also cannot think fully straight with some parts of his brain not being fully functional with his critical thinking and inferencing skills impaired. (Mainly so he does not imminently realize that he is not in the white room.)

(Sorry in advance I have some dialogue in past and present tense it does not flow like I want it to)

"Where am I?" Kiyotaka began to open his eyes and observe this new area of the white room he woke up in.  A poster of a kitten with a bandage and a spherical object with what looked like white powder inside of it caught his eye. Looking closer at it he saw a red dumpy man with a wispy beard laughing on what looked like a rooftop with short people dressed in red sweaters and green joggers. Just to the right of it was some heart shaped balloons and a mountain of what seemed like colorful bags with them all saying what looked like "Get better!". How peculiar he thought, this did not look anything at all like the place he was confined in. He recalled that the recovery room never had any of these items before and that the machines in there were this shoddy and cheap. Nor has even gotten these colorful bags before.

"Mr. Ayanokoji, you are in the emergency room after getting a major concussion on the left side of your head with it severely bleeding internally and externally with two broken veins and a fractured skull. You needed emergency surgery after your accident and frankly, we do not know the extent of your injuries to your head. Tell us how do you feel?" The doctor in front of me responded. 

He looked Hispanic with a caramel complexion and thick wavy locks that he had side parted to show off his honey-colored eyes. He looked like he was in his early thirties and you could see some pity and sympathy in his eyes. How intriguing, Kiyotaka thought to himself he began to ponder if this was a test of some sort. Maybe the instructors are testing him with a special exam of some sort. It seemed far-fetched but it was not like he escaped the facility yet. He hasn't even fully begun his plan yet. 

"I feel good sir, to be frank sir I believe I am ready to leave and resume my studies and training again," Kiyotaka replied carefully crafting his response leaving some stuff up to question to see his response.

"Well, that's good Mr. Ayanokoji however I ask that if you feel like you need more time to stay and recover please take as much time as you need. Ms. Hinata, who is to the right of me will answer any questions or concerns you have. Now if you excuse me I will now tend to other patients because we are short-staff due to an outbreak of influenza." He turned and briskly left the room. 

Kiyotaka turned to look at the nurse in the room and began to ask to be released. The nurse stared back with dark bags surrounding her eyes. Apparently, Mr. Atosumi has been working them a little harder and making them work overtime as he never recalled them showing emotions or any lack of sleep ever.

After being released from his bed and given a fresh pair of clothes the lady left the room to give him privacy to change. Getting up feeling slightly taller and slightly weaker Kiyotaka began to wonder if he was drugged with a growth-inducing pill. It definitely something Mr. Atosumi would do to progress further into adulthood. Looking into the mirror he began to change into what looked like a uniform. With the red suit and green slacks, he began to wonder if he was supposed to look like the tiny man in the spherical object to saw earlier.

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