Chapter 1

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"DAD!" Asean was peacefully drinking his coffee when the Malphilindo crashed through his study door, causing him to choke on his coffee as he glared towards the trio.

"I told you we should have knocked instead!" Singapore stands between the broken doorway. Looking like he hasn't been sleeping for days again.


*Yawn* "Just give father the letter already..." Singapore interrupted Malaysia before hitting the trio in the back of their heads. He bent down, snatching the letter out of Indonesia's hand. Before the trio could protest, he handed it to Asean.

"Thanks Singa..." Asean gave a soft smile before taking the letter and opening it. Singapore gave a small nod in response as he leaned onto Asean's desk, waiting for the information in the letter to be disclosed.

The Malphilindo trio helped each other up before surrounding their father and Singapore. Singapore rolled his eyes as he tried to focus on what's important right now.

Asean flipped open the letter, realising that it was from the United Nation. The letter read...

"Good Morning, ,

I hope you have been doing well. I know we haven't met face to face yet but I have heard a lot of things about you.

You seemed to have caught everyone's attention since despite being an organisation for 50 years already, we have not heard about you until the last decade.

I deeply apologise for finding out about you this late, but I do have a proposal for you.

Would you like to work with us and become an organisation that will be recognised by everyone?

I do not expect you to immediately accept as this was very sudden for all of us but I really do hope we can work together in the future.

Your truly,

United Nations..."

The whole room was silent before Philippines finally broke the silence. "Tata, are you going to accept it?" He asked.

"You should accept it ayah!" Indonesia followed to say.

"Ye, you really should ayah!" Malaysia shouted along, scaring the organisation.

"Hey! Let  decide for himself, don't force him!" Singapore pulled both of them away to give his father some space.

Before long, Malaysia and Singapore started their usual quarrel over small things. With Philippines trying to break up the fight and Indonesia and Asean staying where they are, watching the drama.

"Erm ayah?"

"Yes, Indo?"

"I don't want to force you but you really should accept the deal, it's a very good experience for you and we will have more help when we need it!"

"...I know Indo but-"

"But your worried aren't you, พ่อ?" A new voice entered the room. Thailand walked in, letting himself slide between Singapore and Malaysia to prevent any more fights to happen.

Thailand was well dressed like a CEO of a company, as being the oldest among the other 4 Asian countries, he always seems to be the most knowledgeable one. Thankfully he isn't as chaotic as the Malphilindo trio which saves the other nations one less trouble in hand.

"What will ayah have to worry about?" Malaysia asked, clearly still annoyed from his and Singapore's quarrel. "Ayah is a respectable organisation, people should be worried about him instead."

Singapore turned to look at him like he said the most stupid thing he has heard in his whole life. It took Singapore all his might to stop himself from smacking Malaysia hard in the head as he wanted to avoid any more trouble. But the smugness on Malaysia's face is really testing his patient.

"I am worried about some stuff..." the attention is finally back to the organisation.

"I'm afraid of how the other organisations will think of me, I'm just a small organisation with only 10 nations compared to the others like the UN or EU. I'm probably the weakest there.." The organisation gave out a small awkward laugh as he started to understand the situation he is in.

"You are wrong father," Asean looked up at his youngest son, "Even if you have only 10 nations under your wing, you treat us like we are all your children unlike the other organisations who are viewed as the boss."

"Singa is right!" Indonesia joined in, "You are still the strongest despite your background and if you need any help, we will always be here to help you!"

Asean felt like he was going to cry when he saw all his "children" nod their heads in agreement. They weren't wrong, he has seen and heard how the other organisations treat the countries under them. It makes him wonder why as without them they would not have existed.

"Alright, alright. I appreciate all the encouragement you all have given me, I will keep them in mind whenever I'm working with them." The Malphilindo immediately ran to their father for a tight hug as Asean let out a chuckle.

"Oh and Singa, please go get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days.." Asean looked towards Singapore before using his magic to pat him in the head as he physically cannot right now.

"I'm fine ..." Singapore said as he accidentally let his accent slide once more.

Before Asean could continue, Singapore had already left the room even before Thailand could stop him.

"Sin-!" Asean used his magic to stop Thailand from going after Singapore. This caused Thailand to turn around looking defeated.

"Leave him be Thai, it's best to not confront him right now." Asean said as he gave a soft smile to the remaining 4 nations. The Malphilindo trio slowly got up from their positions before Philippines continued the conversation.

"He has been like this ever since that day in 1965-" The mere mention of the year makes Malaysia flinch slightly. "-he's always working towards improvement like something or someone is going to hurt him and his nation." Asean noticed how Malaysia looked away in shame as he placed his hand onto Malaysia's shoulder.

"This is indeed concerning but I heard that someone has been recently paying visits to him at his laboratory, am I right?" This causes Philippines to laugh as they all realise a potential couple in this household.

"C'mon Mal, we know Singa hasn't fully forgiven you yet but you have seen how much closer you guys have gotten since ayah joined us!" Indonesia exclaimed as he pointed towards the group photo in the frame that is hanging nearby.

"Give him some time Mal, I'm sure he will forgive you one day." Thailand said as he leaned against the door frame.

Malaysia looked towards the photo as he sighed. "Hopefully..." He whispered to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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