✶ 12: Secret ✶

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" I'm back-

" I'll even kiss your feet!"

" There's no need for that."

The three turned their heads to see Y/N standing at the door.

The blonde twins started to freak out.

" Awww! Aqua and Ruby, you two are so smart! But maybe you shouldn't sit on the table." She smiled, picking them up and setting them on the couch.

Y/N sat in the middle of them.

Ruby's small and chubby hand picked up Y/N's. Ruby then placed Y/N's hand on her head.

" Oh, you want head pats?" Y/N asked.

Ruby made baby noises and Y/N took that as a yes.

" There you go! Head pats for everyone!" She said, patting Aqua's head too.

" Miyako, you want head pats too?" Y/N asked the woman who was dusting the ceiling fan.

" Anyways, did your mama just leave, or has she been gone for awhile?" Y/N asked.

Ruby was about to talk but Aqua gave her a look.

Ruby nodded and made baby noises.

" So she just left, huh?" Y/N sighed.


" WHAT?! AN AI PERFORMANCE LIVE?!!" Y/N yelled, earning concerned stares from people.

" Shh!" Miyako said, pushing Y/N hat down to cover her eyes. She also had to adjust her sunglasses.

" Listen to me you three! No running, jumping, yelling, or anything that makes stand out! Ya hear?" Miyako asked, sticking Ruby's pacifier in her mouth.

Y/N couldn't hear the twins talking since it was so loud.

Y/N saw Ai on the stage and almost lost it.

She looked pretty emotionless—like she wasn't even pretending to look happy.

Y/N looked down at the two red glow sticks in her hand.

She started to dance to the choreography with the glow sticks, Aqua and Ruby doing the same. Y/N was dancing a little too much to the point where her sunglasses fell off, her hat doing the same.

" Look at those babies..."

" Wait.. IS THAT Y/N?!"

The girls stopped dancing on stage to look at them.

" Wow! Y/N's here!"

" She should join us too!"

' My little sister and kids.... Are so cute!' Ai smiled.


" We're so sorry." Y/N said to Saitou, bowing her head.

" You should be!" Saitou said.

" Anyways... I have to go now!" Y/N said, quickly running to the door.

She blew kisses at Ai, Ruby, and Aqua before leaving.

She had forgotten that rehearsal for the big concert was today.

Y/N rushes to the studio they liked to rehearse at.

" Sorry I'm late!" She yelled.

" Rehearsal is finished." A deep voice said from behind her.

She turned around to see none other than Riko.

" Oh. Is that so?" She asked, all color draining from her eyes at the sight of him.

" Hm. Y/N, walk with me." He said as he started walking out of the studio, his shoulder length blonde hair flowing behind him.

She reluctantly followed him.

" Have I ever told you my name isn't Riko?" He asked.

" You haven't mentioned it." She said.

" My name... is actually Hikaru Kamiki."

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