𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

Start from the beginning

you shifted anxiously in the seat, amelia carter's words drifting around in your head. "i really don't like our case worker," you state with furrowed eyebrows. "there's something not right with her, aunt debbie. i can't place what it is, but there is definitely something up."

debbie nodded as she stirred the pasta. "she is kinda strange," debbie absentmindedly states. "but she's just doing her job, she probably has a ton of cases to deal with daily. maybe we caught her on an off day."

"there is no reason for her to be doing her job with our family. i mean, it seems strange to me. who would place a cps call on us?" you ask debbie. "the police and doctors made it seem fine," you huff. "i'm just so confused... and tired. tired of all of this."

debbie felt a familiar pang of guilt, sharp in her chest. "i'm so sorry, (y/n)--"

"don't apologize to me, aunt debbie. i'm the one who should apologize. it feels like since i've entered your life, all i've done is create burdens for everyone." you say, dropping your gaze to the countertop. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry."

suddenly, you're embraced in a warm hug. breathing in debbie's signature perfume, you relax into her comforting touch, hugging her back. "you're not a burden and you're not at fault for anything. you're just a kid, (y/n). everyone makes mistakes, even i do. but you may not blame yourself for something like this. you're absolutely perfect." debbie blinks back the tears pricking in her own eyes as she pulls you closer. she leans down, planting a tender kiss on the top of your head.

"i love you," you say against her sweater.

"i love you more."

"matteo, no. don't hurt her!" debbie screams, outreaching her hand in an attempt to stop him from shooting you. matteo swiftly turns and hits debbie over the head with the gun. debbie falls to the floor, groaning in pain. with a fist full of her hair, matteo pulls debbie up on her knees. "p-please," she pleads. her voice cracks as she watches you try and get out of the restraints holding you down. your wide eyes meet hers and your face is flooded with panic.

"tsk, tsk, ocean. you should've given me what i wanted," he hisses in debbie's ear. "actions have consequences." he points the gun at you. "and there are no exceptions." the gun fires and debbie lets out an ear-piercing scream.

"debbie!" lou shakes her girlfriend awake. the blankets were thrown off the bed and sweat was beaded on her forehead. debbie tossed and turned, letting out noises, that lou could only describe as pain.

grabbing lou's hand, debbie shoots up, glancing around. "(y/n)," she breathlessly says. "is she okay, where is she?"

"she's asleep, in her room," lou explains. "she's okay, everything is okay. it was just a nightmare."

debbie's heart was practically beating out of her chest. lou's comforting presence brought her a momentary calm, but her thoughts keep getting pulled back to the nightmare -- to matteo... to you. "i need to check on her," debbie insisted, her voice trembling. lou nodded and they both got out of the bed, heading to your room just down the hall.

opening the door, debbie rushes to the bed, eager to see you. you were sleeping peacefully, your chest steadily rising and falling with each breath, and you mouth slightly parted. debbie let out a relieved sigh, pulling your blankets up to your neck, and bunching them in.

"she's safe," lou whispers, wrapping her arms around debbie's waist, lovingly pulling her in. debbie nods, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "was it matteo again?"

"yes," debbie hoarsely whispers. "it always is."

lou places a kiss on debbie's neck and debbie leans into her girlfriend's loving embrace. "he can't hurt you anymore."

"it felt so real," debbie admitted, her voice strained with thick emotion. "i thought..." she sharply pauses. "i thought i lost her, again." her gaze was fixated on your peaceful face.

lou begins rubbing circles on the small of debbie's back. "it was just a nightmare, my love," lou murmurs softly, pressing a soft kiss against debbie's temple. "and you didn't lose her. she's right here. healing and real."

debbie took a deep breath. "just a nightmare," debbie repeated, trying to believe it herself.

"let's get back to bed," lou hums. debbie nods, following her girlfriend back to their room.

you wait until they both left the room to open your eyes, your fingers ghosting over your stitches. little did debbie or lou know, you had a nightmare of your own, about the same person. you wanted to scratch the image of his face out of your head, so you can finally have some peace. and by the looks of it, so does debbie.

( a.n - i'm finally back from my break! i don't know what my immune system's problem is, but i literally got covid twice and a sinus infection over the past 3 months. i hope you enjoy this chapter, i think it's important for (y/n) and debbie to heal from their trauma. i feel like in a lot of media, getting over something traumatic is super quick. but it's not. next chapter will get crazy, i promise. i love you all! stay safe & healthy <3 )

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