Train wreck. || Chapter 2.

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The eerie sound of the Fortress gently hummed through its walls. Y/N was stretched out on her bed, observing every spec and atom in the room. She rolled over, planting her face into the pillow. She let out a muffled agonising groan from the bottom of her throat. "This place makes me gag..." She just laid there, face first into the pillow. 

Y/N had always been bratty person, she just wanted respect and if that meant she had to torment everyone her restless eyes laid on, then so be it. Though, this bratty attitude was just a shell, a shell protecting her true inner emotions - Just like a simple hazelnut, falling form the shortest distance can cause it to break, it just matters of the impact it faced. She knew that she didn't want Wriothesley to cause her shell to break. After all, what could this simple Duke do to her? It's not like she'll catch feelings! Right?

Y/N rolled over but her body slumped on the cold hard floor, the crash from the impact triggering the monitors. Y/N may have not known it but Wriothesley let out a laugh from the other side. If she had heard it oh how his face would be 6ft in the ground...

"How amusing..." Wriothesley hand slid under his chin, letting out a soft 'hm'. He let out a sigh as his eyes darted to the door like he was expecting someone, but nothing came. He raised to his feet, his boots shuddering the ground. "I'll leave you be then Ms. L/N." He walked out of his office to do his usual routine. 

As he slumped his heavy body down the halls he heard a similar voice, "Ms. Clorinde?" He furrowed his eyes to a shadowy figure in front of him, "Ahh Wriothesley... Not here to ask me for tea are you?" She let out a sheepish chuckle as she walked to him. "Oh? You know Clorinde, everything isn't always about tea. It's not like I'm the tea man."

One of her eyebrows raised up. "Hmpt, anyway." She crossed her arms in front of her chest, her face going back to stern expression, "Well Clorinde, what brings you to the depths of these waters?" Wriothesley leant against the wall, curious about the purple lady's appearance. 

"I'm simply just checking and making sure everything is in tact." 

Wriothesley simply nodded, his hair flowing with his head movements.  "Right, If you didn't know I did ensure Neuvillette everything was okay but I won't continue to question your orders." He pushed himself off the wall. "I know Wriothesley but I'm making sure." She sighed.

"It's not like I'm going to turn on Neuvillette anyway, he has my trust." Wriothesley's eyes observed the halls of the prison like it was flashing a memory. "I understand Wriothesley." She said his acknowledging his words, "We all have our different reasons for being here but in the end, we all trust each other." 

Wriothesley's face plastered a frown, did he really trust everyone here? He trusted his loyal companies and friends but he felt an ache in his heart, his so called stern and cold heart. What about Y/N? Was he only tolerating her because she was connected to Neuvillette? Wriothesley was never the one for trust and no one really enjoyed his presence to begin with.

What a train wreck...

Wriothesley shook his hand and bid his goodbye's to Clorinde. He continued to slump his body back down the corridor. In front of him was a fight between two inmates. 

"Give me the coupons!" It was the guy Y/N had seen early.

"Or what?!" And a woman? Wriothesley knew these inmates pretty well, like this wasn't the first time it had happened. "Cut it out you two." Wriothesley hissed at the two, they backed off each other. They both bowed their heads with guilt and anger. "I don't want to see fighting from the both of you two." His stern tone was now visible, not hint of kindness or happiness, just a man who was trying to work for justice. "I expected better from you two, 1674 and 2435." He added to his statement, disappointed. 

"Oh and please, hand over the coupons."

The two slumped their shoulders down, there goes that fight. The woman handed over the coupons, "I work hard for those coupons my grace!" She protested. "Silence!"

His voice echoed through the halls, cancelling that non stopping eerie sound... The two nodded their heads and stumbled off, nudging and bickering with each other as they went. Wriothesley sighed, he whispered to himself in a hushed tone, "Maybe these coupons can be used for someone more important."


'ThE DuKe!' 

Y/N had been here for only five hours and she hated it. The eerie and haunting sounds, the smell, the disgusting bedrooms and oh! That Duke... He thought and acted like an arrogant bastard. She understood his purpose for justice and making sure the inmates severed their time here correctly but... She just disliked him. His ugly gut-wrenching face, that hurricane hair and whatever his outfit was. God, how could one be so ugly? He didn't even look the part for the Duke of the Fortress. He could simply just be a plumber with the way he looked.

Nope, I'm not letting that big hunk get to me.

Y/N felt a grumble in her stomach, an aching urge of hungry. She didn't want to leave her quarters, was it the disgusting appearance of the halls? No. It was the matter of embarrassment she would get from being lost. She grabbed the map and stared at it, "Wriothesley said to tilt it this way... No! I can do it myself!" And so the woman marched out the door and through the halls. 

Y/N reached the cafeteria trying to forget about her little accident from early... but the only people that seemed to be in there was guards? Oh right. It apparently wasn't time for the inmates to eat. She sat herself down on one of the chairs trying to figure out what to eat but something confused her.

There were coupons written over everything?



'500 COUPONS!'

What? She had heard about coupons before... They were a source of currency, much like mora up above the depths of the sea. But she didn't have any coupons? Maybe she could bribe the guards for some or maybe she could use her privilege of being Neuvillette's right hand lady.

She decided to approach the better looking yet more expensive one... All of the food here looked like puke but whatever was the best. The food in front of here looked like a mashed up salad, not the greatest but not the worst.

Her face scrunched up as she saw the sight, "Just one of these please..." She pointed at the very salad.

"That'll be 678 coupons."

What? Did she really just hear what the person said? This is disrespectful. "I'm sorry but I'm Neuvillette's right hand lady! Surely I don't have to pay for... what even is this anyway! I could easily make something like this, something even better too!" Y/N's hand raised her chest as she continued to protest. "Ma'am I'm sorry but you have no proof an-"

A tall muscular presence was felt behind her. She shudder as the air grew thick and tense. "I'll pay." A scarred hand slammed the exact amount of coupons on the table. The person simply nodded and handed her the salad. Y/N turned around, "Than- Oh." It was Wriothesley. "Not even a thanks? I just got you the most top tier food here, I won't pay next time then." Wriothesley laughed, amused at Y/N's character.

"I didn't need you to pay," She remarked, clearly lying. "Mhm, okay next time I won't pay." He turned around, still visibly holding the extra coupons. "Okay! Then so be it!" Y/N snarled.

"Meet me at my office tomorrow, Y/N." Wriothesley then walked off, nothing else. 

Y/N sat her salad down and put her hands on her hips, "This guy..." She shook her head, unpleased with him but she felt something... She felt her hand graze something. She gently looked to see some coupons in her pocket. How did they get there?

Oh that sneaky bastard!

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