Prologue: A Rogue's Welcome Part 1/3

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It was a bright and sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The birds were chirping, the trees were rustling, and a portal appeared... Wait! A portal?! Oh! Wait a minute. It's just our heroes: James, Ash, Cutie and Leaf, we have just exited the portal.

Me: Well, here we are, guys, The Mushroom Kingdom!

Cutie: Yeah yeah yeah. We know, Jamie, we've been there a couple of times by now.

Ash: But, Cutie, this isn't just an ordinary visit, it's a twenty year anniversary of The Thousand-Year Door!

Me: Ash is right, you know. Since the remake is coming up next year, I thought it'll be great if we took part of this story.

Cutie: Well, at least it's not Sticker Star or Colour Splash. Let's go! But remember, we have to act like we don't know anything happening during The Thousand Year Door.

Me: Gotcha.

Ash: Zipping our lips.

We went through the woods and found the Mario Bros. House.

Me: Ah. Here it is, the home to our two favourite plumbers: Mario and Luigi.

We then saw Parrykarry fly down to deliver the post.

Parrykarry: Mail call!

He flew off.

Ash: There goes a party member from last game.

Luigi exits the house to the post-box to receive a letter.

Me: Hello there, Luigi!

Luigi: Oh... Hello there, James, Ash, Cutie and of course, Leaf. How are you today?

Me: We're doing great! We're here to celebrate 20 years...

Cutie nudged me in the leg.

Cutie: (whispers) Shhh! Don't tell him that!

Me: I mean... We're here to see Mario.

Luigi: Oh. He's inside. He just finished breakfast. Come inside!

We followed Luigi inside his house.

Luigi: Hey, bro! Check it out! A letter from Princess Peach arrived for you! Also, our friends have arrived!

Mario exited the bedroom.

Me: Hey, Mario!

Mario waved at us.

Me: Of course. This Mario's a mute.

Luigi: I'll just read it to you, how's that sound?

Luigi opens the letter to read.

Luigi: Ahem! Now let's see here...

"Hello there, Mario! I am now on holiday, traveling in the Mushroom Kingdom. In my travels, I came into possession of a mystical map... a treasure map, actually. It was inside a box I got from an old merchant in a town called Rogueport. But since it would be too difficult for me to try to go find treasure all by myself... I thought you could help me hunt for it! You will, of course, won't you? I've included the map with this letter, so please bring it with you when you come. I'll meet you at Rogueport. (That means you MUST come!)  


After finishing reading, Luigi found something else with the letter.

Luigi: What do you know? It's true! There's a weathered old map in here with the letter. Check it out!

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