Chapter 13: What a bad student

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"Well, I was wondering I could take over your detention with him. You would of course tell him that he was to meet you in whatever room of your choosing. However, he would in fact be really doing said detention with me. I will lengthen the detention as well, so that he will be re-sitting my detention and taking yours. Do you think this would be satisfactory?" Severus asked.

"Well.... I Suppose it would be alright. I do have an awful bit of marking to do. That will do well Severus. I hop you can find out what is wrong with the boy. Otherwise, I am afraid of the impact this will have on in NEWTS... He previously wanted to be an auror from what I hear...." Severus merely nodded and left the office, leaving Filius talking to himself.

Detention with 'Professor Flitwick'

Harry walked into a classroom he had never been in before. Seeing the room was empty, he decided to sit at one of the tables towards the front of the classroom. As he sat down, he put his head onto the table. He was so tired these days, he was constantly overthinking about his personal life; that he had to time for homework. He supposed he deserved these detentions. Not completing homework for weeks in a row was not good. He was surprised the headmaster hadn't been brought in. He didn't mind these detentions, because he knew that he was being punished for something he had done wrong. However, the detentions with Snape. He just knew they were because the man just wanted to talk to him. And he most certainly did not want to talk to that man.

A second later, Harry heard the door scrape open. Lifting his head off of his desk, Harry rolled his neck, then turned around to see his charms teacher. However, upon seeing Severus Snape, Harry shot out of his chair in an instance.

"You! What are you doing here? You're not Professor Flitwick!!" Harry yelled at Snape.

"Yes, how very good. It seems after 5 years of education at Hogwarts, you do in fact know the different between myself and a man who only comes up to just above my knee" Harry sneered.

Harry went to pick up his bag and tried to make a run for it. Severus foreseeing this, lazily flicked his wand whilst leaning on one of the nearby tables. As Harry went to open the door, he blushed as he realised that Snape had locked them in.

"There is no use running. I have locked the door, in a way that only I will be able to open. And they will open once we have had a talk, and you have thoroughly listened to me.

"I don't want to listen to you. We have nothing to discuss, especially nothing about summer, mum and her letter" Harry glared at his professor.

"Mhmm, yes I agree. You can hate me as much as you wish for that Harry. I did not communicate effectively the last time we saw each other. Not the mention the fact that I did in fact curse you. No, this conversation is about your education. As much as I wish to have a relationship with you, you are old enough to make you own decisions. I realise that as you put it, I've been a 'bastard', which is true. My treatment towards you in the past has been deplorable. As much as you hate me, I am still your father, and even if you don't believe me; I do care for you deeply. Now." Severus took and break and sat down on a chair opposite Harry.

"Your attitude, towards your friends, teachers and your commitment to your education I find deeply disappointing. Your attitude to me, I will understand, I don't necessarily approve of, but I understand. Your anger should only be at me. Do not be distant to your friends, you are very lucky to have them, and I do not wish for you to lose ties with such good people. Now, your teachers demand your respect at all times, which includes me. Now, before you say anything, while we are in class, you will be respectful, listen and complete your work. Out of class, I will turn my head the other way if you say something 'unkind' about me. However, it better not be in front of others, and no swearing! You are not a bad child; therefore, I expect the best language coming from your mouth; understand?" Harry merely stared forward no really knowing what to say after what Snape had said.

"Your homework on another note. You need to talk to someone about what has happened between us. If only for you to fully get your anger out, it is being deeply supressed; which is not healthy Harry. Now before you argue, there is no need. I see so much of myself in you, it's unsettling. When I was young, same age as you, I held so much anger inside. Angry because of my father, house mates; amongst other things. It poisons you, this is the sort of attribute I do not wish for you and I to have in common; ever. I am here if you wish to ever talk, however, if you wish to tell your friends I wouldn't hold it against you. As I have said you are lucky to have them as friends, and I do not believe they would spread this information about us with just anyone." Severus stopped talking merely gazing at his son, who now was openly staring into dark obsidian eyes.

"You know, I don't know if you have noticed yet. However, your looks are really changing day by day, the spell obviously starting to wear off. It's amazing how much more of Lily's features you now shar.."


"Surely you would have noticed?" Severus tilted his head. Harry looked around the room, obviously trying to find a mirror to look at his face. Severus used a spare bit of parchment and transfigured it into a mirror. Passing it to Harry, the boy cautiously took the mirror from the professor.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he was amazed. He looked the same, yet slightly different. His hair lay flatter, his cheekbones were higher.....

"You really are growing into quite a handsome young man. It is just a pity that your mother couldn't be here to see you" Severus looking out the window, swallowing back his emotion; tears welling in his eyes. Harry darted his eyes back and forth from the professor to the mirror he was holding.

Harry was confused of the man's behaviour towards him. To be fair, the teacher's behaviour hadn't changed from the holidays; only his own. Placing the mirror back down to the table, Harry sat back in his chair whilst slumping.

Severus snapped out of his past musings. Standing up from his seat, he began to pace back and forth.

"I am very disappointed with your school work Harry. Whilst you have not been a dumb child, I have seen better work than this from Longbottom. Your mother and James Potter did not die, for you to throw your life away. From now on, you will be confined after class to my personal quarters. I will help you with all of your homework if need be. Normally I spend the time marking papers, which I will be doing, however should you feel the need to ask me any questions you will do so.

I will hear no arguments from you, you can hate me all you want; however this is happening. By all means if you wish to leave straight after our 'tutoring sessions' by all means; leave. If you need someone to speak to, then you may stay, if you want to have some tea and play chess like we did during the summer; we will do so. But let me make this clear. We will improve those marks, no son of mine and Lily's will have sub-par results; is that understood?"

"Yes" Harry murmured.

"Yes Sir" Professor Snape repeated.

"There's no need to call me Sir, Professor" Severus Snape, known to be an extremely stern man, looked at Harry right in the eye. Waited 10 seconds, then burst out laughing whilst shaking his head.

Harry jumped when he heard his professors booming laugh, it was not malicious, but a hearty laugh.

The potions master unlocked the door whilst his laughing simmered down. Smiling and shaking his head back and forth he picked up Harry's backpack and handed it to the bewildered child.

"Take this and go, I should be docking points for that. However, as the last part of my conversation was as a father, not a teacher; I will let it slide. I believe I have gotten my point across. Our tutoring will be effective immediately. Meaning that tomorrow morning expect an own for me with directions on how to get to my quarters, as well as a password; for once you remember the pathway to my quarters. Do you understand Harry?"

Harry, too bewildered at what he had heard this afternoon, could do nothing but nod his head. Taking back his backpack, the professor unlocked the door, and gently pushed Harry into the hallway. Harry turned around to see Snape walk the opposite direction. Shaking his head, he retreated back to Gryffindor Tower. 

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