
Phil was in a living hell. His dad caught him sneaking out of school, crying, and wouldn't let him see the end of it. He kept Phil at home for the rest of the week, beating him up at least once every hour during the day. At night, Phil had peace and quiet. He was able to cry all he wanted, to hate himself all he wanted. He deserved the pain his dad gave him.

Phil swore to himself he would never hurt another person on purpose ever again in his life.

The Monday after, Phil went to school with a thick jacket on to cover up his bruises, even though a heat wave had come to England and the weather was sweltering.

He ached whenever he moved. Even just standing up made him cry out. He had no idea how he would be able to keep this hidden all day, much less all week. Phil shuffled to his locker with his head down. Immediatly his friends swarmed around him, asking questions,

"Where were you last week?"

"Is it true that Dan beat you up? And told you off?"

"Why were you being such a wuss? You could've just knocked him out."

"What are you wearing a jacket for? You do know it's 40 Celsius outside-"

Everything they said made him want to cry, and not all of it was even bad. He just felt /so/ weak. Now, he knew how Dan felt.

"I- I can't do this anymore. All you guys do all day is beat up people, and I find it pointless. Why do you like seeing others in pain?" His friends stopped.

"Wait, really? Are you being serious?" PJ asked, laughing.

"Oh my gosh. Phil, you're such a wuss." Chris punched him in the shoulder. The exact area his dad had punched and kicked countless times. The exact area where there was a black and blue bruise. He screamed.

"AGH!" Phil doubled over in agony, which caused more pain, since he landed on his knees that were also bruised. "OW!"

His friends howell-ed (sorry, not the time, oops-) with laughter. "You think THAT'S painful?! Oh my gosh- what a baby-" They walked away, slapping each other's backs. Phil tried to stand up and slipped, landing on his (also bruised) side. He shrieked, a tear slipping out.

"Phil?" Someone said, jogging over to him.

"-yeah..?" Phil managed to squeak out.

"Are y-you okay?" Phil looked up. To his surprise, Dan stood, hovering over him.

"Y-yes", he tried to stand up and say back down, "No, not really-"

"Oh." Dan frowned. "Do you need help? I, uh- here-" He bent over and pulled Phil off the ground. He really had hated Phil, but seeing him stand up to his friends and in so much pain made him want to help.

"T-thanks." Phil straightened his jacket, wiping away the tear quickly, even though Dan had noticed.

"Um, Phil? Why are you in so much pain from just a punch?" Phil rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, blushing out of nervousness.

"I don't know what you're talking about- I, uh- have to go-" Dan narrowed his eyes.

"You at least owe me an explanation. After everything." Phil knew he was right. Dan deserved a lot, and Phil deserved to be hurt. His eyes watered and Dan almost let him off the hook because of how sad and heartbroken he looked. Almost.

"Okay. But, in the bathroom, please." Phil gave in, another tear slipping out that he wiped away quickly. Dan really wanted to hug and comfort him, he wanted to with all his heart, but he was still mad. And he had every right to be. They walked to the bathrooms and peeked in to make sure no one else was there. Once they were positive it was empty, Dan lead Phil in. They didn't care about missing their first class. This was much more important.

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