The crib wasn't where the baby's invasion of Jennie's space ended. As usual, Lisa had somehow managed to over prepare for their child's arrival. Jennie was still three months away from her due date but their bedroom had become what could pass as the subsidiary to any given baby depot. Lisa's failure to build any of the pieces of furniture they've started to amass for the nursery lead to everything, every onesie, every stuffed animal, every toy, every story book, and the dozens upon dozens of parenting books Lisa couldn't stop herself from buying, piling up in their room. As much as Jennie adores Lisa and her commitment to their child, the area's takeover lead to serious aggravation starting to bubble below the surface. If these were the last few months she had left of freedom and independence then Jennie would bask in having the ability to move around her room without being forced to push activity tables and baby gyms out of the way. The thing that irritated her the most was that the baby wouldn't even be able to use these for months on end even after it was born yet here they were, in her way, stubbing her toes in the middle of the night.

Jennie scans the room once more and tuts. She takes one final bite of her food, carefully places the plate down on the few inches of dresser that have yet to be claimed by newborn clothes, and looks down at her stomach.

"Yeah, you're right. I think we should do it."

Jennie seemingly agrees with the cauliflower sized human currently growing inside her. Jennie walks to the bed and plops on her side before sliding to Lisa and unceremoniously throwing her left arm over her sleeping girlfriend's torso.

"Lili" Jennie whispers into Lisa's ear before placing a gentle kiss just below the lobe. "Babe."

Jennie tries again. "Lisa." Nothing. "Manoban, I know you're awake." Lisa mewls and a deep groan reverberates in her throat.

"I wasn't two seconds ago." Lisa whinges and opens one eye to look at the dim clock on her nightstand. It reads 3:49 AM. Lisa's limbs flail up and down, bouncing from the mattress in a chaotic pattern, moving the way someone who has reached the breaking point of their patience would. When she has unleashed enough of her frustration, the twenty six year old sighs and sits upright on the bed. "At least tell me we don't have to get on the train. Why can't you ever crave something from down the block? Why does it always have to be on the other side of the city?"

Lisa seeks to hide the mild exasperation in her voice but miserably fails at it causing Jennie to chuckle.

"Are you done?"

Lisa's legs dangle off the side of the mattress and her feet blindly scour the floor in search for her slippers. She's well aware opening her eyes would tremendously help in her venture but she keeps them tightly shut as she tries to squeeze as much darkness as she can out of the night.


Jennie calls out again and Lisa pivots her head and the top half of her torso in response. She begrudgingly cracks her right eye open to look at the disheveled Jennie splayed on the bed with her hand tenderly placed atop her overgrown stomach.

"Jennie, I can't have tacos eight nights in a row. Please don't make me have tacos eight nights in a row. I'm over tacos."

Jennie's lips curve upward at the endearing display.

"I just made myself eggs, I'm not hungry."

"Did you put cherries in them? Do I need to explain how gross that is again?"

Jennie reaches out for Lisa's arm and pulls her body, forcing Lisa to lay down again.

"Seriously, are you done?"

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