Claude : you two can be ria maid

The girl : thank you very much your majesty

Claude : you may go now

'At Alpheus Household'

Roger : what are you doing with her majesty bodies huh anastacius

Anastacius : pffft-nothing i just want claude has seen a ghost that is his wife

"After anastacius/Aeternitas spell on eclipse back to life after that they put me in bed then i woke up from dead"

Eclipse : w-where am i?

Ijekiel : oh hello miss you've awake

Eclipse : who are you

Roger : it seem you already awake your highness

Eclipse : oh mr. Alpheus

Roger : this is my son ijekiel

Eclipse : but how did i alive i was died by give birth

Anastacius : it was me brought you alive

Eclipse mind :"anastacius!?"

Roger : go get rest your highness

Eclipse : alright

Eclipse mind :"i need to get out of here anastacius is alive damn it"

"I fell fake sleep the one who seat on chairs was ijekiel the two adults out from room and i get up then ijekiel goes to me"

Ijekiel : you should rest you highness

Eclipse : i can't i need to get out of here please don't tell this to your father i need to visit claude the emperor right now if i staying here because i feel a black magic like an anger can you ijekiel

Ijekiel : oh okay your highness

Eclipes : the window i'm okay with that!

Ijekiel : but you will get hurt!

Eclipse : i need to get out of here fast before your dad and that man do something to me later when i truly fall asleep

Ijekiel : okay here 'open the window'

Eclipse : i hope we can see each other at castle kiel that's a nickname for you such a inteligent kids goodbye

Ijekiel : goodbye your highness

"I jumped on the window but i got hurt a little by glass in garden then ijekiel throw a coat on me"

Eclipse : thank you kiel!

"I walk at village then i bumped a kids with black hair with long hair and red eyes he sense something on me"

??? : wait i sense a black mana inside you!

Eclipse : oh that must someone cast a spell on me back to alive

??? : oh my name is lucas

Eclipse : my name is eclipse de alger star crown princess of star but married to emperor claude

Lucas : you're bleeding on your legs

Eclipse : i jumped on window didn't even notice the grace garder was hidden glass but i need to return back to castle

Lucas : c'mon i will teleport us to obelian castle right now

Eclipse : okay

"We both got teleport to castle and i fall because it too deeply hurt then a little girl come out at night and saw my us both but she saw an injured on my legs"

Lucas : hmn, oh princess athanasia out late night?

Athy : i sense your magic

Athy : omg your legs are hurt

"She run in castle but i tried to tell her not to tell them yet then she's disappeared by running"

Athy : sir felix!

Felix : yes princess?

Athy : there's a lady injured in the garder her legs are full of blood sir felix!

Felix : alright i will check on her right away

"Felix and athy goes the garden where i am is, felix face in shock"

Felix : y-your highness!

Eclipse : hey felix

Felix : i-is that really you your highness!

Eclipse : yes it's me felix

Lucas : are you gonna ignore your empress are hurt on her legs

Felix : you are hurt!

"Felix carry me in claude room and put me on the bed gently and then he goes to sofa where claude used to sleep"

Felix : your majesty wake up!

"Claude wake up with death glare eyes for interupting his sleep but felix hold his scared"

Felix : your majesty lady eclipse are hurt!

Claude : what in the world you saying she's dead

Felix : your highness is in the bed over there

"Claude turn his head behind was saw me he let go of felix grip cloak he run to me with shock face then he look at my leg was bleeding"

Eclipse : h-hey c-claude "weakling to talk in councious"

Claude : go get pysicians felix!

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