Vigilance (Chapter 25 Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Now, a few days later you were only left with the memory of that night and her lingering headache. You returned to the bedroom with the pills and a glass of water, handing them to her as you sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What do you think? Quick little nap before we hit the road?" you ask, watching her swallow the chalky white tablets.

"Mmm, maybe..." she said hesitantly, clearly thinking about something.

"What's up babe..." you asked, placing a hand on her leg.

"I don't know, I'm just...scared. Everytime I think about sleeping I know that it could be the next time I will have a nightmare. That I will have to relive it again." she answered.


"But maybe it won't. Maybe you'll dream of something good. I know it's hard babe, and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I let you go alone. It will never happen again." you promise.

"I know Jake, it's okay. None of us ever imagined that could happen." she said, sending you a soft side smile.

"Well how about this, if I hear you starting to have a nightmare I will wake you up as soon as it starts...I want you to rest at home while you can. The cabin is...well, it's a cabin. We will be comfortable, it's just not the same as this." you say motioning around the room.

"So what do you say I tuck you in, and turn on something on the TV and you just relax while I load up the car?"

She nods her head and pulls up her legs as you pull down the duvet, letting her straighten them out before tossing it over her and tucking her in. You grab the remote and turn on the TV, letting her decide what to watch as the doorbell rings.

"Oh good, he's here. I don't think this will take too long, then we can head out okay." you said, handing her the remote.

You leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Love you, I'll be right out here."

After letting the locksmith in, you went through the steps of updating the passcode on your security system, and updating the app on your phone to make sure you were getting all of the possible alerts. You peeked your head into the bedroom to find Y/N passed out in the comfort of your bed, and a warmth washed over you. She's safe.

Holding her cold and limp body just a few short days ago had taken its toll on you. You knew she was right to be nervous about nightmares when you had been suffering from your own, even just last night. Your mind wandering into dark places as it flashed through scenes of what could have been, waking you in the night prompting you to reach over and feel for her warm skin, and the rise and fall of her chest. You laid awake that night in the hotel room holding her as she slept next to you, your mind racing and hypervigilant to every single noise that sounded in the hallway of the hotel. How could you sleep knowing he was still out there?

You threw the suitcases into the back of your car, ready to drive through the night to get to your safe place. A place few knew existed, and you and your brothers' favorite place to go when you needed to get away. It had been a while since you'd sought its refuge, and part of you was itching for a small escape from your bleak reality.

"Alright sir, the doors are all good to go. Here are your new keys, I can make you a few copies if you'd like." the locksmith said, handing you two shiny silver keys.

"No, I only need two. Thank you so much." you confirmed, sliding your card through his iPad attachment.

"Have a good day sir." he said, tipping his head and exiting.

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