School Trip Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

"I'll be the judge of whether you're fine or not" Eddie argued once Bolton had gone, examining her head carefully

There was a deep gash on her forehead, which was bleeding profusely. She was covered in other little scrapes and scratches. The most concerning thing for Eddie, was her ankle. He didn't like the look of it. It was bent out of shape, lying to one side at a funny angle.

He turned his attention to Rachel. She was wincing and grimacing quietly, evidently in a lot of pain.

"Where are you hurt?" he asked

Rachel rolled her eyes

"What are you now, a doctor?" she grumbled

"I'm First Aid trained actually" he argued

She huffed angrily

"My ankle and my head. I can't stand up" she admitted

"Have you tried?" he asked

She glared at him

"No I haven't tried, I just made that up!" she shot back sarcastically

"Alright, alright, keep your hair on!" he grumbled

"Just help me stand up!" she requested

Eddie sighed, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. He lifted her gently onto her feet, quickly sitting her back down onto the rock when she screamed in pain.

"I can't walk" she whimpered

"That's obvious" he huffed

"Will you stop being such an idiot for a second and be serious?! I'm scared and I'm in pain, if you're not going to help me, you may as well just leave me here!" she snapped

"I may as well, considering you got yourself into this mess!" he shot back

"How did I? I was trying to help Bolton! It's more than you did!" she huffed

"You just stormed off!" Eddie pointed out

"Yes, because you were in no rush to find him!"

"No, you just wanted to prove me wrong! I told you, you wouldn't be able to find him on your own, and what did you do? You went on your own!"

"And I still proved you wrong! Because I did find him!"

"Yeah, and you injured yourself! You weren't even supposed to come on this trip; I didn't want you to come!"

Rachel glared at him, she'd had enough.

"Then why didn't you say? Hmm? What's the matter, Eddie? Are you intimidated by me? Are you jealous that you didn't get the job as Head Teacher? Because if that's the reason you have a problem with me, you can have the job! I didn't take your job deliberately to spite you! I had no idea they already had someone in place for the job, they just offered it to me and I said yes! I'm not working with someone who tries to undermine me at every turn! I came today, because I wanted us to get to know each other better! I want to get to know you so we can get along! Clearly you have no intention of wanting to do that! If we can't work together as a team, then I'm done here!"

Eddie fell silent. He suddenly felt guilty. He was aiming his anger and frustrations at her, when he barely knew her. Of course this wasn't her fault. She didn't know he was in line to be Head Teacher, she'd just been offered a job. Anyone else would have done the same, including him. He'd been spiteful toward her for that reason. He hadn't really given her much of a chance. Here she was, trying to get to know him, trying to make things work between them, and he was making it impossible. He owed her an apology.

School Trip Gone Wrong- A Reddie OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now