CHAPTER 15 | Day 4 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Hyper, think higher of yourself!" Megan comforts. "You're one of the smartest people I know! You can do better than him, I'm sure you can."

"Megan, I don't know who you're talking to, but you're not talking to me." Hyper sighs. "Listen, I've made my decision. I don't need you making me feel worse about it. Leave me alone."

"...If I'm being honest, you don't sound like yourself at all. But alright, if that's what you want."

Okay, well, now Hyper's getting annoyed. Tanqr hasn't even done anything to him, other than...what happened on the first day, but hey, he's helping, or at least trying to now.

"Does saying 'I want to give him a chance' sound more like me, huh? You do realise I know him better than you, right?" That came out a lot meaner than he intended, and Megan steps back in surprise.

"Woah, hold on." Megan's starting to think she might need to keep a closer eye on these two. "Yeah, whatever, maybe you do, but I don't think he has your best interests at heart. You don't need him to be strong."

"Yeah, well, I want him to teach me anyway, because clearly, I'm not going to get help from anywhere else. Can you leave now? I'm still tired, I just woke up."

Megan sighs. She supposes that makes sense - she's heard exactly how Hyper gets in the morning. Crabby. But she might as well stay and keep talking for a little longer.

"I will, but let me make my point clear first. Hyper, he's using you. I'm sure everyone except you can see that. You just need to see it yourself. I'm just trying to help, alright?" Megan holds her hand out, but Hyper just looks away.

"So what? If he's using me, I'm also using him. Sounds like a fair trade." Hyper's not sure where this tone's coming from, but it seems to be working, so he rolls with it. "Didn't Tanqr tell you to leave us alone? During whatever conversation you had yesterday?"

"Yeah, I know, but we don't need to worry about it. Tanqr literally told me that he only teamed with you for your knowledge." It's a half-truth, Megan knows this, but this whole situation is full of them.

"Well, I am gonna worry about it, as your friend. " Hyper responds. "Hey, I thought we weren't supposed to be friends anymore. Didn't you say that?"

Ouch, okay, using my words against me, Megan thinks.

"Okay, no, I said we weren't a team, we're still technically friends, just apart for a bit." she clarifies. "And I'm still able to jump in when you're in danger."

Hyper knows what he can use as ammo here.

"I'm not in danger. You are. Because if you're caught and you end up pissing off Tanqr any more, you're probably gonna lose another life."

Megan throws her hands up in the air before Hyper can even get done speaking.

"Woah, woah, woah, was that a threat? That's uncalled for! Geez, I'm just trying to warn you about him."

"I am also trying to warn you about him. I'm not threatening you - but Tanqr will if you're caught." Hyper sighs, trying to collect his thoughts. It's weird, he's acting like he's angry, when he feels totally calm. Maybe it's just the tiredness. "Megan, just go."

"I'm going, I swear. I'm just trying to tell you that maybe, just this once, you shouldn't blindly trust him."

"I don't trust people on a whim, you know me better than that, Megan." Hyper crosses his arms.


Before Megan can finish, suddenly, some kind of inhuman screech comes from behind the two. She has to cover her ears, it's so close and so loud. By the time it's done, the wind has been taken out of both her and Hyper's sails.

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