"I assume you're the reason Elena is still walking around alive?" Klaus said looking down at the young witch. 

Briana slowly walked over to the pair and stood behind the Bennett witch, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me." Bonnie spoke confidently before turning to give Briana a thankful smile. 

"Klaus." Briana spoke sternly as a warning to chose his next move very carefully. 

"Oh there's no need for blame." Klaus started completely ignoring Briana. "Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects and since you broke it, I'm going to have you find the fix." 

On queue, Rebekah slammed through the gymnasium door, a fighting Lockwood werewolf in her grip. 

Briana's eyes widened. She had never been close with the Lockwood boy, but she knew where Tyler was, Caroline tended to follow. She wanted Caroline far away from what was going to happen next. 

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah." Klaus smiled. "Word of warning, she can be quite mean." 

Rebekah through the Lockwood boy to Klaus, "Don't be an arse." She puffed. 

"That's impossible for him." Briana muttered under her breath. 

"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I try to turn a hybrid, they die. I'm going to need you to find away to fix that Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake, I hope you find it quick." Klaus shoved his bleeding wrist into Tyler's mouth before snapping his neck and dropping his lifeless body to the floor. 

Elena and Bonnie gasped, their eyes filled with horror. Briana's were filled with rage and underlying worry. 

"Where's Caroline?" Briana asked lowly just loud enough for the vampires to hear, her eyes on Tyler. 

"Cmon love. Did you really think I'd hurt her? I know how much your precious sister means to you." Klaus said walking over to the brunette, practically whispering in her ear and he moved past her. 

"Klaus. This isn't the answer. And you know it." Briana spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Well go on Bonnie. Get your grimoires and enchantments. Time is ticking." Klaus spoke smugly as he grabbed Elena's arm to keep her from following the witch.

Bonnie looked between Briana and Elena with worried eyes. Elena gave her a nod of confidence and she left the room with Matt. Rebekah dragging Tyler's body out behind them.

Briana wrapped Elena in her arms as Klaus released her. 

"Elena I'm so sorry. So so sorry." Briana breathed into the younger girls hair. Tears welling in both of their eyes. 

"Bri this isn't your fault. You did everything you could." Elena said reassuringly as they pulled apart. 

"Well isn't this quite the show." Klaus said re-approaching the girls. "Although how could it not be with an actress as stellar as Briana." He spoke smugly. His voice called. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Briana broke away from Elena and stepped closer to Klaus. Her arms out at her sides in confusion. 

"You really had me fooled. The late night chats, the lies, the games, all of it." He spoke harshly, his voice laced with pain. 

Briana stood their dumbfounded at the words coming out of his mouth. She couldn't speak, instead she just shook her head. 

"You kno-" She started just as Stefan walked into the gym. 

Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (book one)Where stories live. Discover now