And Then There Were Five

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"Wow. So I get a brand new dad, an uncle, and all these cousins, too." Daniel says.

"Yep, we're your cousins. That's how we're related, right, Adam?" Chase chuckles nervously, turning to Adam.

"I don't know. According to this, I died thirty-five years ago." Adam says, looking at his family tree with a horrified expression on his face.


In the Mentor's Quarters, Bree and Chase were reading a magazine while I was playing a game on my phone and Leo had a very annoyed look as he watched Adam wrap a present very loudly in the middle of the room. "Will you stop that?! And why are you wrapping presents anyway?" I say.

"They're for Daniel. I have to make up for thirteen years of never giving him a birthday present." Adam says. Chase gets up from his chair and walks over to Adam.

"A baby rattle?" Chase says, picking up one of the presents, and giving Adam a weird look.

"Oh, that's not for him. That's for you when you turn thirteen." Adam says, making me snicker at his joke.

"Good news. Looks like Douglas and Daniel are already starting to bond." Mr. Davenport says as he walks into the room.

"Bond, huh? Kinda like how you forced Iggy to bond with the driveway?" Leo says.

"It wasn't the driveway. It was the curb. You rode your bike over him for, like, a month." Mr. Davenport says, making Leo gasp.

"I cannot believe you lied to him all these years. You are just as bad as Douglas." Bree says.

"Oh, you're one to talk. What about the time you threw away that coat Adam made out of beef jerky?" Mr. Davenport says. Adam gasped loudly and dropped the gift he was wrapping.

"You told me Tasha threw that away," Adam says.

"No, not only did she throw it away. She ate a sleeve." Mr. Davenport says.

"You monster!" Adam shrieks.

"Mr. Davenport, how could you?" Bree says.

"I had to. It was the only way I could get people to stop talking about Leo's dead pets." Mr. Davenport says.

"Pets? With an S?" Leo says.

"Gotta go." Mr. Davenport says, running out of the room quickly.


"Oh, hi, Donny. We were just about to have some pie. Care to join us?" Douglas says as Mr. Davenport walks into the cafe.

"Well, my hips say no, but my lips say yes." Mr. Davenport says, taking a seat at Douglas' and Daniel's table. When he attempts to dig into his plate, it moves away. He tries to reach for it again but it moves away and Douglas and Daniel laugh as they give each other a high five.

"Daniel wanted to do something techy, so we magnetized the table," Douglas says.

Mr. Davenport laughs sarcastically. "Hilarious. Now could I please have a piece of pie? I think I deserve it. I spent the entire morning doing cardio jazz."

"Trust me, Uncle Donald. I'm doing your hips a favor." Daniel says. He takes his plate and leaves.

"Ah, Donny, this is going better than I thought it would. He's a really good kid, and he likes me." Douglas says.

"Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are." Mr. Davenport says.

"It's just that, now that I've met him, and gotten to know him a bit, I feel bad about lying to him," Douglas says.

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