Andrew and Ashley had no words, nor explanation..

Me:"Yes it's exactly the truth but the thing is...."

Andrew and Ashley:”..What is it…?”

Me:"You see over the centuries our bloodline has grown corrupted, its purity lost with the passage of time. The ancestors who came before us were violent, cannibalistic beasts, driven by the demands of the gods they worshipped. They shed blood and consumed flesh to appease the spirits of the earth, and their legacy has stained our bloodline, warping it into something tainted and impure"

Andrew:”Are we like..cursed…or something..?”

Me:“Yes and in order to fight this curse for so long, I must travel around the world to kill all my descendants so that maybe the curse will subside and it seems like you two are showing signs now."

[Andrew turns to Ashley, whispering..]

Andrew:”Should we listen to this crazy bastard..?”

Ashley:”He seems serious, just look at his eyes, he’s seen his share of bullshit…”

Andrew:”Yeah, but is he telling us the truth..?”

Me:"You guys do know that I can hear what y'all saying right now huh? I have superhuman hearing, listen, there's no reason to hide it. I promise to do this quickly and painlessly as possible okay."

[I unsheathed a knife from my pocket.]

Andrew and Ashley:”..”

[The duo look at each other in anticipation, waiting for more as they took a step back from me.]

Me:"Don't back away, don't you not see? I'm here to save you, our bloodline is tainted and in order to stop the curse I must kill all of my descendants despite it being "legion" do you understand?"

[I slowly walked toward Andrew and Ashley]

[Andrew and Ashley stood still.. Andrew, holding Ashley close to his side, his fist clenched as he stood behind Ashley, to shield her.]

Andrew:”..I don’t really believe you, you know?..”

Ashley:”..Shut up, now isn’t the time..”

Me:"You really should, Andrew, because don't you see? You and I aren't that different in the end. We both have the hearts of cannibals, driven by the hunger for flesh like other beasts. But what makes us different is how we choose to act. You embrace instinct, I control it."

[Andrew throws a punch towards me. I grabs Andrew’s fist and holds it in the air.]

Me: Strong, but weak!

[Ashley, terrified, hides behind a couch, squeezing her eyes shut, waiting for my next move, waiting for me to possibly snatch her brother..]

Ashley:”Are you okay Andy..?”

Andrew:”Shut up, Ashley..”

[Andrew tried to break free from my grasp, struggling to escape.]

Andrew:"Let me go, you freak!"

[I countered by twisting the boy's arm behind his back, forcing him to his knees.]

[Andrew’s eyes widened as I twisted his arm..]

Andrew:”Ah! Let go! You asshole!”

[I put my knife to Andrew's neck and slit his throat violently and bloody sprayed everywhere]

[After killing Andrew, I dropped his dead corspe while still holding the bloody knife in my grip, I looked at Ashley and she was sad and angry at the fact that I killed her brother.]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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