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i shake my hips as the chours of the song comes on.                                                                                        

Oh baby when you talk like that

You make a woman go mad

So be wise and keep on

Reading the signs of my body

And I'm on tonight

You know my hips don't lie

And I'm starting to feel it's right

All the attraction, the tension

Don't you see baby, this is perfection  

i smile as a pull of the belly dancing move and do it over and over again.

as i do the move one more time........


"i swear to god Tom you are really annoying me cant you just stop touching my ass!"

"Sorry no can do sweetheart when you are thier shaking that little cute butt of yours can i?" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah well it hurts you know when you do that!" i say not looking at him as i grab the contral and turn the music off.i take my water bottle of the side and take a coulpe of sips.


I woke up next to Tom with my back agenst him and his huge arms raped around me.


I roll out of bed arefuly not to wake Tom up,i skip down the stairs to see mike with a dissapointing look on his face at the amount of clothes that have come.

"You know you dont have to look at me like that because most of them are Paul's" i said as if it was obvs.

i smile at the dilvers guy and sign it as he take all the bags into the kitchen.I thank him and show him to the door.

i skip back into the kitchen and grab the bag with mine and Pauls hoddies in. and get changed into it and give the bag to paul,i also give sam his hoodie to get changed in to when he desides to get his huge ass out of MY bed.

I walk into the kitchen and also give Sam a super dry top.

"hey sam, i got you somthing" i say and thorw him the shirt

"thank skyla ill put it on now" he says with a grin on his face.

He takes his shirt of and OMG this 8 pack is like woow.

"woow sam it you waasnt gay i would so tap that" i say with a grin on his face.

All of a sudden sam grabs my waist and pushes me agenst the wall.

I put both my hands on his chestt and try and push  him away.

"Sam get of me!" i shout at him as he kisses my neck.

He dont move.

"ALEXX HELP!" I scream.

Befor Sam had the time to think alex had all ready got him down on the floor.

i cant handle it any more, i have to do the one thing that will carm me down.

befor they had the chance to look nup i hade grabed my car keys and out the door.

i got my phone out and started to text.


heyy daddy,

i need to to find a new kitchen chef please,

so that means that you are gonna  have to stopp Sama play check.

when are you coming home?...

love yaaa x


i cant belive sam done that,

maybe it was my fault if ihadnt of said that id tap that if he was not gay then it might notof happend.

i froze all the signs where thier i just hadnt of relizeds...

im going to go shooping i need to get my minds of things...


my 4 brothers and my boyfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें