To be honest, Tanjiro knew that was the last thing to say to someone who was in the middle of an episode of violence and yelling. But, there was nothing else to say.

There was silence yet again, Akaza didn't reply. He seemed calmer now, much calmer. He almost looked upset, but he remained with his head in his pillow, hiding his face.  After a long pause, Akaza's voice was heard - though it was muffled by the pillow. "I'm going back."

Tanjro turned to Akaza, and decided to lie down next to him, which would help him hear Akaza better. Jiro lay down on his back, his head against the pillow. "Going back to where?" 

"I'm not going anywhere.. But I'm going back." Akaza said. "To my past self."

Tanjiro glanced at Akaza who was still hidnig his face, he turned to lie on his side and placed his hand on Akaza's shoulder. "What makes you say that?"  Akaza hesitantly and slowly lifted his head. There were letters in his nocturnal yellow eyes, and thick navy blue lines on his face, it resembles the lines of a basketball - to Tanjiro anyway.   "You were a basketball in your past?" Tanjiro asked, confused. It didn't make Akaza feel any better, though. Akaza huffed, grabbed the pillow he was resting his head on, and slammed it against Tanjiro's face, which - to Tanjiro - actually hurt. "Not funny." He lifted the pillow and put it back to it's original position. 

"Sorry." Jiro rubbed his nose, as it hurt a lot from the impact. He sat up quickly.  "Did you look like that in the past?" 

"..Before I 'evolved'..." Akaza shrugged. "But now.. I don't know. am I going back to how I was before? Probably.. I tried to eat mochi. I love Mochi. I love Konpeito. But they taste dull now. I don't like it anymore." 

"Oh." Tanjiro mumbled, he wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't sure how to comfort Akaza. "Are you worried about going back to how you were?"   Akaza shrugged again. "I'm.. Not sure."

Akaza then turned to look a Jiro. "But if I do, I'll never get to feel human again. I was never human, but I .. Feel, human. I felt human."

Jiro frowned slightly. Akaza was going through something, and he felt vulnerable, and frightened, like anyone else would. Being a demon didn't define his feelings. And Tanjiro understands that now - at least more than he did before.  "Well, to me, you're human. And nothing will change that, no matter what anyone else says." 

 Akaza stared at tanjiro, taking in all of his features.He didn't smile, or frown. He just stared for a moment. And though Tanjiro felt it was too prolonged for his comfort, he was able to push it aside. But - then another strange this happened. 

A kiss. 

A very, very sudden kiss. 

Akaza had kissed Tanjiro - it wasn't anything too overwhelming, it wasn't too much or not enough. But it was prolonged contact with each other's lips, that surprised Tanjiro at first, but - then again, that also didn't bother him. Sure, it was probably his first kiss, but Tanjiro wasn't sure how to feel about it, other than being okay with it. After a prolonged kiss, Akaza parted his lips from Tanjiro's and then widened his eyes. "Sorry. Uhm.." 

"No.." Tanjiro shook his head. "Uhm.. It's okay, it's fine, really." 

The romantic moment turned extremely awkward extremely fast. Akaza glanced around, hoping to change the subject, but sighed to himself.  "Can we kiss again?" He asked abruptly, putting it out there with minimal hesitance. Tanjiro paused, but nodded, and the two shared yet another kiss. 

And you know how it goes from there. A small peck turned into a full kiss, then the two Japanese turned French, and the French turned into the removal of clothing, and the removal of clothing turned into (and sounded like) hours of rut, heat, endless sex. (I'm sorry.)


First of all. Ew. Second of all. EW. I'm so sorry, this was going nowhere, and teenagers do teenager shit. End of story, I'm sorry, I wasn't sure how to write it. Lmon out.

(There will be more detail in Akaza's problems next chapter. Maybe. If I decide that wattpad still exists in future.)

they're minors, Ik. This is fiction, and so is every other fucking movie who had minors fuck each other inside school buildings, literally out in public, and pretty much everywhere else. I don't ship AkaTan sexually often, and I skip the smut for a reason, but now I've come to a decision that if I don't learn to write smut, I'll never get what I want on C.AI.

 I've realized I should stop trying to keep this PG 13, because it would have never stayed PG 13, and I'm tired, and my cats use my arms as a scratching post, and I've come to a realization that if I keep listening to true crime while writing, I'm going to end up traumatizing Tanjiro and Akaza. See ya. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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