[Chapter One: Arrival]

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"Please pardon this interruption: Attention passengers, we are now nearing Tokyo, Japan. As the crew is preparing for landing, please turn off all electronic devices and fasten your seatbelts if you have not already done so."

The pilot's voice echoed through the speakers distributed throughout the plane. A young man looked up from his laptop. With a small click the device was shut and returned to its holder beneath his seat. Eyes momentarily glazed over as he took a moment to view the expanse of white drifting across the skies outside the small window.

Looking over to the person next to them, they hesitantly tapped on their sleeping form. As soon as their finger contacted their shoulder, his wrist was seized. The man glared at the culprit who had dared to touch them, let alone wake them from their slumber. Once their eyes adjusted and they had recognized who it was, they relaxed their iron grip - much to the boy's relief.

"Could you tell Master that we are nearing our destination?"

Rolling his eyes, the once slumbering adult turned to an older man sitting next to them, who also was seemingly dormant.

"Sir," he stated tentatively.

"I'm aware. You made sure we have everything we need, correct?" the one on the aisle seat asked, opening an eye to glance at the younger sitting across from him. Receiving a nod, his superior hummed.

A few minutes later, the aircraft vibrated as it descended into the clouds. Hands desperately grasped at the seat's arms as the plane shuddered. Suddenly, the aircraft jolted as wheels met concrete.

They were finally in Japan.

Outside the airport, Giran stood restlessly against the doors of his minivan. This was it. The day when he would finally get to meet his potential clients had finally arrived. Thinking back about it now, it was exceedingly difficult to reach them, that with the unreasonable number of strings he had to pull. He knew it would be worth it though, considering who exactly he was dealing with.

Catalyst, an underground organization whose influence has gained connections worldwide. Today he would be picking up Haruma Arakawa, more commonly known as "The Annihilator: Exorcist." How the hell the League of Villains knew the vice president of the association, he had no idea. However, if he could somehow manage to gain his trust...oh, what powers he would have at his disposal...

"Sir," his driver interrupted through an open window. "Your phone is ringing."

"Shit!" Giran cursed aloud, startling a group passing by.

Giving a nervous bow in apology, he straightened himself up before reaching inside his pocket for the vibrating device. Drawing in a deep breath, he answered his phone in his most professional voice.

"Welcome to Tokyo, Arak-"

"Where are you parked?" a voice interrupted.

"Um...Outside the airport, two-o-clock," Giran answered, the austere voice on the other end sending shivers down his spine. "A-As I was saying-"


He looked down to see that they had hung up on him.

The driver - who had eavesdropped on the entire conversation - sweatdropped. He glanced nervously at Giran from the side mirror.


Just as he was about to voice his concerns, his gaze drifted to a certain group of arriving passengers. "That must be them," Giran muttered. The chauffeur sighed. Taking the opportunity to raise the driver-side window, he observed the foreigners.

Abomination II [Boku no Hero Academia x Male Reader OC]Where stories live. Discover now