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The ancient dragon and Choi Han exchanged glances before both nodded. Ron, who stood next to the ancient dragon, shook his head as he readied himself to go hunt some rabbits.

The group was currently inside an old building that looked as suspicious as a pregnant woman. Their intuition alone told them that something was wrong with this old closed inn in the middle of a small village, and it turned out they were right. There were many high tech magic devices that secured this building, and even more strong Arm members.

They were different from the members the group faced before, they weren't as naïve and more cautious. They also didn't let their guard down, though there was little to no chance that something might happen. Eruhaben also smelled a strong presence of nature inside this building. Glenn had told him in private that Cale Henituse had many ancient powers so that Eruhaben could small him more easily.

The ancient dragon started to frown. This much security for a single person seemed a little overboard. He wasn't the only one to think that way. Due to the just cast invisibility spell, he couldn't see Ron nor Choi Han, but he could feel that they were just in front of him. Eruhaben looked around. It was the first underground floor and there were ten guards. The floor was rather small and not all too long. Why were there ten guards? It was better not to kill anyone yet.

They turned left and saw a tall metal door. There were only two guards, but they seemed to be on a completely different level than the ones before. Eruhaben spoke into his two companions' minds that moment.

-I think we have to knock the others out.

"I hate being stationed here!"

The ancient dragon flinched. Choi Han and Ron as well, the voice of the soldier simply reeked of hate.

-Ron, I suppose you're enough to do it?

He couldn't see it, but Ron was nodding. He then felt how the assassin left his and Choi Han's side in order to do the job that needed to be done. They already took care of the guards above, either they were knocked out or killed silently. That was the reason why all three of them were sweating. They were a lot stronger than anticipated. Also, they had to stay stealthy and work quietly.

"Yeah, but you know it too. This bastard is too important to just let others guard him."

The first guard laughed.

"In his state, what can he do?"

The other chuckled as well, before turning serious again.

"You never know. And the White Star needs his blood. The others would probably just let him die instead of making sure he still breathes."

The first guard nodded. He looked at his pocket watch and took a potion the other handed him.

"Make sure to check his vitals. If he dies, we die."

The first guard nodded again before he opened the door and entered the very dark room. The ancient dragon and Choi Han with their super human senses were able to hear the painful groans coming from that room. They flinched. The conservation of the two soldiers gave them the chills.

"Hello, doggo, have you missed me?"

They could hear a shallow and cold laugh coming from inside the room. It was a laugh that was unfamiliar to them, a laugh that gave them even more chills than the conservation of the guards. It sounded like the laugh of someone who had nothing to lose and who knew that he wouldn't die.


The guard clicked his tongue. The sight in front of him was a bloodied mess. It was precious blood to the white star, but as it had already left Cale's body, it was worthless.

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