
Eruhaben couldn't hide his surprise as he let out a sigh. The others were getting anxious as the advantage they thought they had through Eruhaben, was now gone. They hadn't expected the White Star to have a damn dragon!

"But I don't think that this dragon is with the White Star..."

Eruhaben furrowed his brows as he tried to look on ahead. His eyes turned inhumane and looked now more like reptilian eyes. He couldn't see anything through the darkness, but he certainly could feel the strong presence of another dragon. There was also another presence, strong nature.

"Is it really a good idea to proceed? There is, after all, another dragon-nim."

Rosalyn was probably the most anxious, though she felt excited as well. She got to meet an ancient dragon, and now she was informed of the existence of another powerful dragon! How could she not be excited?

Suddenly, Eruhaben's expression turned worse and his smile disappeared, not that it had manifested on his lips to begin with.

"He's coming here."

The group tensed up and started to look around, but before they could do anything, a black blob that was darker than the night and black trees, approached them through the air. A loud shout of a person followed behind him, but the black blob ignored it as he revealed his presence before the group of people.

He was a cute little dragon; he certainly didn't go through any of his growth phases yet. The furious expression didn't belong on his chubby cheeks that were used to him having a smile. Eruhaben huffed. How could a small dragon – a baby – give off such a strong presence?

Black mana started to surround the little creature, but before he could do anything to attack the newcomers, a blue haired man shouted a second time. He appeared right under the black dragon and called him down. It was a tall man in his mid-thirties with glasses. Behind those he looked at the group with his calculating green eyes. Opposite to usual, he wasn't drunk at all, but the group had no way of knowing. They were just surprised to find a person with a small baby dragon in the middle of the Forest of Darkness.

Choi Han put his hand on the hilt of his sword but didn't act rash. After all, child or not, the black blob was a furious dragon.

"You aren't with Arm..."

The blue haired man stated. His voice held some sort of a grudge against the White Star's organization, though it could be against them as well.

The dragon descended and flew now next to the blue haired man, still looking ready to kill all of them right this instance. Choi Han snorted as he couldn't hide his anger towards the blue haired man's statement.

"Don't put us in the same bag as those bastards!"

The blue haired man smirked, but he didn't look amused at all. It was more of a shallow expression.

"Who else are you if not Arm? And what do you want here?"

The voice didn't sound welcoming or nice. It sounded like he found the group to be annoying and would like to throw all of them out of the forest. But he couldn't, even though he was confident in his own abilities as a swordsman. He could smell that all of these individuals were strong, especially the dragon. He was even stronger than the black baby dragon by his side.

"We are here to search the White Star's base."

It was Eruhaben who answered as he looked at the black dragon with excitement in his eyes. He was interested as to why a dragon was with a human, even though he himself was traveling with humans as his companions.

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