(Will Turner x Reader) Mermaids

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Imagine something deadly attacking yours and Will's ship


"Will!" You shouted from the side of the ship. "Come quick."

You saw the blur of tan and white move towards you. "(Y/A), what is it? Danger?"

You replied, shaking your head. "Look, just beyond." You pointed a finger out before the distance of deep blue. A ripple rang in the water, following the tale of a graceful creature.

Will chuckled. "A dolphin."

You turned you head, shaking it up and down in glee. "We see so much on these shores that, for once, it's so nice to see something so simple and...normal. Isn't it?"

"Indeed." He said with a smile, watching as the youngling danced between the steady waves. "Look, another." He said. A second tale swerved past the first and another dolphin joined its companion's play.

You placed two elbows on the railing by the bow of the ship, resting your head on your palms. They felt rougher than usual, you never realised how much time had past out on the waves. The ropes and excess of rough wood were enough to ensure any pirate maintained a rugged exterior.

The sun started to glare a little brighter as it lowered beyond the horizon, you pulled you hat slightly over you eyes, blocking out the hazy light. When the distance balanced again, the blur of colour formed back into the two dolphins but another tale now joined them. It swerved, more elegantly than the others, twisting and circling and then the glint of the fading sunlight on its scales made your heart stop. "Mermaid." Quicker than you could breathe the word, Will ran to the wheel.

"Turn! Turn!" He shouted to the startled men and women on board.

"Quickly!" You echoed, racing to the middle of the ship. "A mermaid approaches us. We cannot risk there being more that follow." Your footsteps dragged you back to the front of the vessel. Sharp eyes greeted you just above the surface of the water, dark and deathly, and they creased so slightly. The mermaid was smiling.

Your head turned to Will. "There's more." Will's head shot round, giving you a face of panic, and then back to the crew on the ship. "With speed!" Sweat glistened on the back of his neck and his breathing lifted his shoulders so high you thought they might detach themselves.

The ship was making a swift turn, but as you looked over, four more eyes surfaced and then submerged below, the ripple of tales heading straight towards the ship at a menacing speed. Before you knew it, the creatures surrounded, their pace keeping up with the movement of the ship. A piercing and delicate melody harmonised itself around the ship, sickly sweet.

"Cover your ears sailors!" You said. "And load your pistols."

"Listen to (Y/n). Do not hear their song. It will be the death of you." Will sounded.

You felt the sweat yourself, making your loose blouse stick lightly to your back. "Women!" You shouted to the three on board. "Take lead in the fire. Their song cannot entrance you." Before you knew it, shots pierced the air, shattering the harmonies of the lowering sun and the creatures, shrieking at the bullets, that sang them. You noted some sailors lose their tight grips on their pistols, Will dragging back the youngest boy who was falling pray to the most beautiful enchantress you had ever seen.

The women fired effortlessly, un-controlled by the music the sirens made as they reached up to lore the men into their endless abyss. And then, a different noise sounded. A squeak? No. You had only just parted from this sound.

"(Y/n)!" Will said, holding back a man from beside the left cannon while simultaneously firing a bullet into the head of a siren. "Look."

His gaze fixed to the back of the ship where you had early sailed. You didn't know whether to be concerned or to laugh when you saw the two dolphins returning but this time, an army of them followed behind. You had never seen anything like it. What you had always known as calm graceful creatures, now raged through the open ocean at rapid speed, heading straight first for the sirens. They held nothing back, ramming their heads into the sirens who clung to the boats and fighting the mermaid's vicious clawing with their tales.

Once you had both taken in the moment, you realised the singing had stopped and multiple men shook their heads as if to forget a bad memory. The rest of the crew looked beyond the railings, startled.

Shaking your own head, you started. "While they are distracted men, fire!"

Rounds of gunpowder rang in the open air. The screeching of the mermaid's died one by one as the splashing of tales decreased until finally, there was silence.

You could hear your own breath so vividly. Walking to the edge of the ship you looked out. The sirens were gone. The dolphins were steady, swimming to one another to nuzzle their heads against the other as if to comfort. The first one you had seen from early looked up. You smiled softly and nodded. "Thank you." It nodded back and then, with a weak call, signalled its companions to join as they swam back into the endlessness.

Another heavy breath was beside you. "Will. Are you okay?" You said, your hands searching his face.

"Yes, my love." He smiled, place his hands on yours, pausing you motion.

"At least the sirens didn't catch you." You chuckled.

"How could they, when I am already so entrenched by you." You shook your head with a smile and pulled his hat over his eyes. He giggled, pulling it back up. "To more adventures." He said, kissing your forehead.

Hope you enjoyed ! :)
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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