After School

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Monday May 15th 7:30 AM.

"What's with all the news cameras" Priya said as she walked inside of her high school.

"I have no idea" Millie said.

"I bet Julia is still In denial about her feelings for Wayne" A random person joked.

"I DONT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM!" Julia yelled, While Millie and Priya were laughing.

Zee comes bouncing over. "Didn't you guys hear, Emma and Chase were murdered last night."

"Murdered?" Priya asked in surprise.

"Yeah, they say it's the worst the towns ever had" Zee reported. He walked away while he was drinking his soda.

"How long he's been drinking that soda?" Damien said as he stepped up to them.

"Damien have you heard?" Priya asked

"About Emma and Chase" Damien replied, "Yeah everyone is talking about it."

"So How come we're just hearing about it now?" MK asked while walking up to them.

"Their bodies were discovered this morning" Damien said, "When Chase's mother came back from her business meeting."

"So who will be murdered next?" Scary Girl Said.

All four of them screamed and Ran to their classroom.

8:03 AM

A black car pulls up to the front of the school.

Chris steps out in a gray suit and black tie carrying a suitcase.

"Another day of teaching these ungrateful teenagers" he grunts to himself.

He walks up to the front door, ignoring the TV cameras and police everywhere. He walks up the steps and approaches the front door.

"Halt" a cop says, holding his hand out and blocking Chris's path.

"It's okay Maya." the principal said as he walked up to them. "He's our chemistry teacher."

"I've never seen him around" Maya said glaring at Chris.

"He's new" Principal Bernard said. "He only started in the fall."

"Well if you say he's clear" Maya said. "What's in the suitcase?"

"Graded papers" Chris huffed. "What's going on Don?"

"Two of our students were savagely murdered last night" Don said.

"Aw, nuts" Chris said, grabbing his forehead in shock.

"I know, its dreadful" Don said.

"No" Chris said, "I forgot to lock my door this morning" Chris said.

Don rolled his eyes, then left.

Maya stepped aside and let Chris enter.

8:04 AM

A motorcycle comes roaring down the street. It skidded to a stop and the rider got off. Took their helmet off and set it on the handle bars.

It was Bowie. His Boyfriend jumped off and set his helmet next to his, Raj.

"Woah, What's up with the cops" Raj asked, looking over at channel seven. A news woman in front of a live camera.

"I have No idea" Bowie said, "We should find out."

8:05 AM

"We're here live at Toronto high. Where two Sophomore's that were brutally murdered went" Blaineley said.

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