𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥

Start from the beginning

Once everything was set up, JJ immediately turned the pump on John B, covering his face with beer as the friends all laughed. Leilani tightened the laces on her converse to ensure she wouldn't trip, standing up in time for John B to flick a plastic cup directly at her face, making her smile and throw it back at him.

John B tried to get both Pope and Leilani to drink, but both of them refused and Leilani gave Pope a water, which he took gratefully. Soon enough, the usual crowd of teens had formed, spreading out along the beach of the boneyard. The only parties Leilani went to were Pogue parties. There was stuff that happened at Kook parties that she never wanted to be involved in.

The Boneyard was a typical Kildare Island hangout spot. There were always three seperate groups consisting of the Pogues from the Cut, the Kooks from Figure Eight and the typical influx of tourists who tried to act like locals. Once the crowd got big enough, the group of five split off into seperate areas.

John B and JJ did what they did best: flirt with girl upon girl. Kie talked with different boys, and Pope tried and failed to make moves. Leilani wasn't all together too interested with talking to random people, so she mostly kept to herself, finding some of her Pogue friends to keep her company. Leilani didn't talk to the Kooks. It just didn't happen.

She was walking to talk to Kie when Sarah Cameron purposefully bumped into her, jerking Leilani's body to the side. "Excuse you." Leilani said as Sarah continued walking, turning around with a sigh.

"Sorry, my bad." Sarah said sarcastically. Sarah and Leilani weren't the best of friends. When Leilani moved to Figure Eight, Sarah was a raging bitch to her, always making rude comments about her life. Leilani wouldn't even associate with Sarah if it weren't for Rose Cameron and Rachel being best friends.

Leilani scoffed. "Good, glad you realize that, princess," she said, continuing on her path towards Kiara, holding new information to tell. "Kie." Leilani said, grasping her friend's wrist as she found her.

"What's wrong?" Kie asked, the two of them standing behind John B and some girl.

Leilani pointed to a buoy that Sarah was now climbing. "Sarah's here." she said. Kie and Sarah were practically mortal enemies, so all Sarah-sightings were instantly reported between the two girls.

Kie's happy demeanor dropped when she heard Leila's words. "What is she doing here?" she asked aloud, John B following their gaze. Sarah's boyfriend, Topper was there as well, and Leilani sighed, knowing Topper would try to seek her out eventually.

Topper and Leilani unfortunately lived across the street from one another, forcing them to have run-ins more often than not. Topper's house was much larger and nicer than Leilani's, making it an extraordinary example of a Kook house. He was the epitome of a spoiled brat, and Leilani despised him. But Rachel yelled at her anytime she was rude to the Thortons, so she would always plaster on a fake smile and slip out of her bedroom window when they were at her house.

Kie and Leilani parted ways a little while later, and Leilani was on the hunt for JJ as the sun set and the moon came out. As she stepped over a branch, Topper appeared, a drink in his hand. "Hey, Leila!" he greeted, his aggravating smile on his face.

Leilani outwardly rolled her eyes. "What's up, Topper?" she said nonchalantly, knowing she couldn't get away from him now.

"Oh, not much, not much. Saw your dad finishing with your car on my way over here." Topper said, one hand in his pocket as he talked to Leila, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there with him.

She nodded, uninterested. "Thanks for the update. I was really concerned." Leilani said, still looking for JJ.

Topper stepped in front of her, blocking her view of her surroundings. "Yeah, yeah. What's up with you? How's work?" he asked.

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