Private for Bunni

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A bunny, just a normal bunny. well funny enough this bunny is called Bunni. a female on she is. a cute one too. little and petite with fluffy fur and a beautiful shiny white coat, with very clean pink paws and a cute perfect pink button nose. But what set this bunny apart from others is that it had a little black heart on her forehead... well that and also being together with a puppy.

a puppy, a golden retriever actually, many people would call him. the cutest of the dog breeds. his name? funny enough it was Puppi. Puppi and Bunni lived together in a small hut in the woods. happily for all of their lives. they where always so very happy and always used to laugh and sing together their favorite songs. Their most favorite song you ask? well well well! their favorite song is called Shinunoga E-Wa. Written by Fuji Kaze.  they listened to it the first night when they confessed their feelings to each other and then every time they would listen to the song they would fall in love more and more. Bunni had dreams of having a child and making a family with Puppi and while Puppi had the same dreams he usually dreamed about how they would be together until death split them apart.

their love had gone smoothly until terror struck. Bunni was heartbroken. her heart shattered into a million pieces because of something Puppi had done. His heart breaking too at the sight of his soulmate looking so lost and sad in the own world where the flowers and even sky would shine with the presence of her. her smile had lost all of its meaning and even though there are always times where it would come out it was never the bright truly happy grin she always wore for the whole day, even during the night while she dreamed her favorite dreams about the near future.

their relationship slowly became more problematic. Hunting season came by and Bunni had to go into hiding from the wild hunters going around their woods looking for Bunnies or other animals they can shoot and kill. the two did not see each other for 2 months. But they stayed together, strong and loving to each other. slowly the memory of the old heartbreak seemed to to fade for Bunni but as it always happens in life, terror struck for the second time in their relationship. deep secrets had been uncovered about Puppi that made Bunni's heart break again, and this time it seemed unfix-able. Puppi felt just about ready to give up, but hearing Bunni's, his Bunni's cry for help strengthened him. he manned up and decided to lead the two to the light from the darkness.

"within darkness there is light, for without darkness, light can not exist and vice versa."

doors opening and closing around them. mistakes after mistakes from both partners who felt loss and under enormous pressure, but there was one thing that always remained between the two, and that was their love for each other. it guided them and they remained deeply in love for the rest of their lives. Even though tragedy struck two times during their love, they never gave up.

they managed to achieve their dreams. they started a cute family with their lovable daughter that they took great care of, and at last the two peacefully next to each other as death finally split them apart until they could reunite for the rest of eternity in heaven...

for you, my bunni, who i love more than any other bunny in this world. You are special to me and i appreciate everything you do. thank you for existing and being able to bring me out of darkness.

i love you, today, yesterday, tomorrow and until the end of time.

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