His car

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"Leo is my name. I would like to know you more about you." He says.

''Hi leo I'm Marley.''

"That sounds like some thing you would name a dog."he says.

"for some one that going to be my fake boy friend your really pissy.''

"Just met me at Guy Savoy for a date." leo says.

I get ready. I put on this black and white dress. I hear a car pull up.

"Hello Sir Im here to take out your daughter" I look at the front door to see a man in a half button down tuxedo.

I go over to met him
"Hello." I say

''Nice meeting you sir but if you dont mind." Leo says and I walk out.

We get over to his car. He opens the door for me.
He has 2020 Ford Mustang and its black. I get in.
He turns on the radio and problem by Arinana Grande starts playing.

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