1. Chris: Behind Closed Doors

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"Not fair is what it is. I feel like we should make it even. Why don't you take yours off? I'll help." He took a hand and began tickling down my side toward the hem of my oversized sweatshirt.

I gasped before bursting into laughter and tried to flail to get out of his grasp, but he held me tightly. "Chris! Stop!" I laughed so hard when he realized how ticklish I was and began to do it more. I squealed into his chest and yelled, "Christopher! Oh my god!"

A hard knock rapped against the hotel room door, and we both froze.

"I bet I know who it is." He whispered, giggling to himself before letting me go and scooting off the bed. He reached up and flipped one of the bedside lamps on.

"Ack. Whyyyyyyy?" I grumbled, flinging my arm over my face.

He began singing, "Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious..." as he shuffled away toward the door, dancing like on the scene the song was from.

I tried to laugh quietly to myself, but it sounded more like a car that wouldn't start. I heard him open the door and talk to someone in the hallway. I recognized the baritone voice as one of his security detail. Phrases like "it's not like" and "just tickling", "be careful" and "really sad" drifted in through the crack of the door. It reminded me why he was here in the room with me. I had forgotten that I was a staff member and he was a client. I had let it slip my mind that I have a job to fulfill in regard to him, because he made it so easy and comfortable to be around him, to be myself around him. All of us staff honestly looked at SKZ as our family to take care of and support.

It was a bit sobering, and I didn't like it at all. Especially not today. Specifically when he was being the very thing that I needed. Was I strong enough to allow this tiny slice of comfort to overrule everything that was real life outside that door?

I didn't even hear him close the door and walk back into the room. He was standing next to the bed when I uncovered my face from my arm and looked up at him with tears streaming out of my eyes again. His expression shifted starkly, his brows drawing close together and deep concern coloring his gaze.

"What is it?" He asked.

I blinked, sending several more tears down my cheeks, and just raised my arms out to him. My chin quivered as I struggled to say, "Please, just hold me again?"

His disposition softened from head to toe, understanding. He crawled back onto the bed and over to me, stretching out and drawing me close to himself once more. He tucked my head against his chest, resting his cheek on top of my head, and wrapped his arms and a leg around me.

"Did you get in trouble for being here?" I whispered, afraid to ask and find out he would have consequences for spending time alone with me.

His voice rumbled through his chest first, dulcifying his words even more, as I heard it in one ear and felt it in the other. "No, I had already let him know where I was going before. He was just checking on me and on you to see if you needed anything... and to warn me not to be careless with you."

A corner of my heart warmed at that. "That's a good man. He single?" I heard his heart begin to race, causing my eyes to widen. "I mean, I've always been attracted to protectors."

"I'll uh... I'll put in a good word for you." He mumbled.

"Oh? Thank you. Do you think I'm his type?" I teased, sniffling.

His arms tensed. "I hope not." His heart was pounding in his chest.

I was mesmerized by the sound and feel of his pulse. It was hypnotic with how strong it was. "Nah, he wouldn't want me. I'm a mess right now." And then I registered what he said. "What do you mean, you hope not?"

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