"Never ask that." Armin hissed. He had shifted to protect Eren and the pack. His own was between him and Eren as well.

"Where was it last night?" I demanded.

Eren's head came up. He glared at me. There was so much rage, and hurt in that look that I actually took a step back.

"Eren..." I breathed out his name.

"You looked for it?" he gasped out as if he didn't have enough air to talk.

"It wasn't under the bed. I got worried." I said.

"Eren calm down. You knew he would get curious." Armin was holding Eren's writs as he spoke. Eren drew in some deep breaths.

"Yeah, I guess." He let out a sigh.

"Not even I know everything Eren keeps in his bag." Armin tossed over his shoulder at me.

"It's the only secrets you have out there, really." He shrugged.

"So the smell is sort of like armor for it?" I guessed. Eren chuckled.

"Yeah, kind of. Also you know it's yours by the way it smells." He chuckled. I winced it really did stink!

"OK, next..." Eren laughed as we spent about an hour of them teaching me the way to survive on the street.

Somethings weren't that far different from what I was used to with my martial arts training. Others, just didn't make any sense at all. Eren even tried explaining it. I guess, unless you lived your life in constant fear, it was something you just couldn't get.

"Are we ready?" Erwin asked.

Eren's eyes shot to the clock. He drew in a breath. "Yeah, sure." He muttered.

We followed Erwin out to the van. Eren held my hand as we drove to the next town. He had us stop in an alleyway. The van barely fit in the ally he made us park in. He turned to me.

"Alright. The café is at the end of this ally. You turn left then it's right there. The table I always sit at it the one back against the building. The brick makes it feel safe on your back. Plus the ally is like right there, here!" He giggled.

"Let's do this then." I growled.

He took my hands. Closing his eyes, I opened them. Staring at my own face felt weird. Eren smiled. He leaned forward, in my body, to pull out the contact lens case. I put them in. When had he had time to paint them? I didn't ask.

"OK, the game is afoot!" Armin giggled.

"I'll be right in your ear if I need to assist you." Eren offered.

"Yeah, ok." I yanked the door open.

Stepping out, I clutched the strap of the smelly ass back pack in both hands. I walked to the end of the ally. Glancing back I tried to look nervous, before stepping out of the shelter of the buildings. Looking down the sidewalk, I turned left.

There it was. Like I nearly tripped over the small white fencing around the outdoor tables. I stepped a foot over it. Moving through the six tables I came to the one next to the brick. I settled in place.

Glancing around I noticed, from a strategic point of view, this was perfect. It would take me three running steps to get over the fencing and into the ally. I had a clear view of the Street. Damn he was smarter than I thought.

"Eren! I didn't know you were back in town!" A pretty brunette waitress came up to me.

"Mol! Hey, just came to meet someone. Knew this would be safe." I repeated the words Eren spoke in my ear.

"Well, if you ever need to get some more supplies, there is this great craft store, it opened like six months ago. Its down on Wayland drive..." She was cut off by a man walking up behind her.

"You showed up, I'm impressed already, little brother." Zeke Yeager. I had all I could do to not leap up and beat the shit out of him.

Instead I lowered my gaze. "Eren, everything alright? You want me to get Mr. Hyde?" the waitress asked.

"No, I set this up. Just uh, keep tabs on us. Make sure he doesn't try anything!" I winked at her as Eren instructed.

"You got it." She glared at Zeke. Must be Eren told her a few things.

"So, you're not planning on leaving with me?" Zeke scuffed.

"I know you didn't come alone." I hissed at him, while repositioning the pack in my lap.

"What is that thing? It smells like a dead rodent is in there!" He growled.

"Just my life." I smirked loving how the smell made him flinch back.

Zeke's hand shot across the table. He caught my wrist, since I raised it to protect the bag. He growled. Just then Molly the waitress came back. She thunked our drinks down. Coffee, ugh! I groaned as Zeke was forced to let me go.

He sipped his own coffee. "Lets get to the point. You are coming with me, one way or another." He demanded.

"Why?" I hissed pretending to sip the God awful brew before me.

"You know why!" He hit the table. Then seeing as others turned to look, he leaned forward.

"This little stunt of yours has set us back a few years. We have been able to hold the military contract, but just barely. With what you are able to do..."

"You never replicated it!" I was shocked. It had been a decade.

How could they not have replicated what Eren can do? Hange would have had a freaking army by this point even if she lost her prototype!

"You, you don't know." Zeke sat back. He pulled out a cigar to lit it.

"What so you truly remember?" Zeke asked.

"Besides the sexual abuse you put me through?" I snarled.

"The dark corner of the lab you kept me in. You treated me worse than a dog! I barely even knew the meaning of the word family!" I growled while Eren breathed hard in my ear.

"The tests. Most of them hurt, but then wasn't that the point of the sexual abuse?" I growled out.

"Listen here. It was almost over. All we needed was a few more months and you would have been free!" He growled blowing smoke in my face.

"Nah, I got free on my own. You should have locked those cuffs just a bit tighter. I had small hands back then!" my stomach turned at repeating the words Eren hissed at me.

"At least I allowed you to sleep in my bed." Zeke smirked.

"Only after I blew you!" Eren was getting upset. I wanted to go back to him.

"Tell your friend, you've decided to come home. We need to go, now." Just like that madness burst forth out of a seemingly ordinary looking car. I huffed getting to my feet. I slung the pack across my back.

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