(Arc 2) Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

The next hour was spent on you dueling him, although you exerted little physical force cause remember you are weak in terms of physical strength but magical force is the complete opposite.

Even with that little force, Pei Ming was still defeated for 50th time. So you started showing him bits of your attacks while using a scythe. But since you can't pull it out now you used a long stick, hard and long enough to imagine as your scythe.

You spinned the stick and start using it as a weapon since you were more adept to it than a sword. It took another 10 rounds for Pei Ming to yank that stick from your hand away with his sword and made you stumble to the ground in defeat

"That was amazing!" You clapped your hands "Thank you Yuanjun-jie, i couldn't have done it without you" Younger Pei Ming scratched the back of his neck

"Yuanjun-jie?" you tilted your head "Is it alright to address you that? Yuanjun is a title for a female goddess right?" You nodded "Alright but..."

"Yuanjun-jie..." He scanned you head to toe "How were you able to fight with that dress and heels on? If it was me i would stumble so easily"

You lifted the skirt of your gown and looked at how high your heels were "Oh...Ahahaha, guess i am just used to it"

"Then i must continue training, thank you for everything today Yuanjun-jie. When can I meet you again?" He bowed his head down and did a fist-and-palm salute

"I'm afraid i don't know the answer" You placed a finger under your chin in deep thought "Hmmm, maybe you can see me again when you ascend. But hey, I'm not telling you to actually ascend just to see me. It's all your decision"

He looked up to you, his eyes deep in curiosity "But hey, goodluck with your journey Pei Ming!" You switched to your make form, walked away while waving your hand

Returning back to the capital and to the palace of Xuli. It seems like the meeting was already done and the Xianle Royals exited the city gates.

There were two different carriages for transportation, one for the king and queen. Then for you and Xie Lian. They wanted to give you both privacy.

"Baobei, where did you go?" He asked you "Ah i went out for a countryside walk, I met a teen boy around your age..." Xie Lian doesn't know why he got worried after hearing that

"I helped him how to cook and train in martial arts, he was aiming to become one of Xuli's warriors" You twirled a strand of your tresses "I see.." Xie Lian still doesn't know the strange feeling in his chest

"Oh he was quiet an ambitious boy and even called me Yuanjun-jie" Xie Lian sighed in relief "Hm?" You quirked in eyebrow "O-oh i was just worried! That's all!" He shook his hands

When you both arrived at Xianle's capital. You switched to your female form "Hah...finally back" Xie Lian took your hand and helped you exit the carriage like a gentleman

"Baobei i need to go to Mount Taicang and cultivate. I really wish we could spend more time together" You shook your head "Don't feel guilty, focus on your cultivation. By the way what are the set of rules in cultivating? I never experienced it"

"Well...one of it is the lack of vices and....sexual pleasure" He sweat just by saying the last words "Oh....Oh! I see..." you pat his head "See you next time, A-Lian"

His cheeks went pink when you pat him on the head, the next minute he was gone. Now you were left all alone at the gates of the royal palace....Well not alone, the queen was still there.

"He has grown alot hasn't he..?" She approached you, still has that motherly aura "Yes, humans do grow up fast"

"Don't tell my son that i told you this..." She leaned in to your ear "But when we asked him why he was truly doing this" by this she meant his cultivation

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