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Cassie got home and she and Luke had dinner. After she curled up and tried to come up with some ideas for a song. Luke was watching football with Cassie thinking on his lap when Luke's phone rang. Luke frowned, "It's the general from the military base, odd." He picked up, "Sir." "Luke we're calling all available units in now. There's been an emergency in the Middle East." "Coming now sir." Luke hung up, "Cass I have to go, there's an emergency, don't wait up", Luke grabbed his jacket and was about to go when Cassie stopped him, "Luke wait, please be careful." Luke kissed her forehead gently, "Always." He gave her one last look and hurried off.

Luke got home around 2:00 in the morning. The house was quiet and it seemed everyone was asleep. Luke collapsed on the couch, so much had happened in the last few hours. "Luke you're home", Luke looked up to see Cassie sleepily standing there. "Cass you're up", said Luke surprised. Cassie yawned and rubbed her eyes, "I woke up when you came in. Is everything okay? What's going on?" Luke motioned for Cassie to sit next to him, "Come here, you might need to sit down." Cassie sat next to him and looked cautiously at him, "Luke what is it?" Luke sighed, "Afghanistan attacked an American military base in the Middle East. They also bombed Israel...Cass the U.S is at war with Afghanistan. All able bodied marine units are being shipped out." Cassie shook her head, "No, this can't be happening", her voice breaking. "Cass I have to go, it's my duty." "I know, but what if...", Cassie let out a sob and Luke held her tight as she cried. "We can only hope that this ends quickly", Luke murmured quietly.

Luke was shipped out the following week with hundreds of other soldiers. At the bus, many families were saying goodbye. Luke's dad Jacob Morrow, his brother Jake and his wife and son, Hailey and Spencer were there to say farewell. After goodbyes and hugs were given, the family stepped back to let Cassie and Luke say goodbye in private. "Please be careful Luke", Cassie whispered, hugging Luke. "I will Cass. You take care of yourself alright?." Cassie nodded, "Riley and I will be hanging out a lot and I have a lot of songwriting to do, I'll stay busy." Luke caressed her cheek, "I love you Cass." Cassie turned her head to kiss his hand, "I love you too Luke. Be careful." They kissed and then Luke boarded the bus.

3 Months Later

"The record label wants your songs soon Cassie", said Nora. They were at the bar, waitressing as usual, though it was pretty much empty. Cassie groaned, "Nora I really don't want to talk about it. I already have a lot of stuff going on and I can't think of one more thing." "Cassie you have to get it done, if not we could lose our contracts." "You think I don't know that!?", cried Cassie. She slammed her towel down, "I just had a real emotional call with Luke earlier and I found out my mom has cancer. I know I have to get these songs written Nora, but right now I can't do everything." Cassie let her head fall into her hands and Nora rubbed her back sympathetically, "Your mom has cancer?" Cassie nodded slightly, "Stage 2 Lung Cancer." "Does Luke know?" Cassie sat up and brushed the hair out of her eyes, "No, my mom called me after I talked with him." They were silent for a few minutes until Nora said hesitantly, "And your talk with Luke?" Cassie frowned, "I don't want to talk about it." Truthfully the only person she would think of telling is Riley, because she understood how it felt to have loved one at war. Recently Riley had started to date a guy name Josh Walter. He was in the same unit as Luke and they all were pretty good friends. 

Cassie finished her shift and headed to meet up with Riley at a local coffee shop. They had become really good friends, bonding over their loved ones who were marines. "Over here Cass", said Riley waving her over. Cassie smiled and sat down, "Riley it's good to see you." "You too. I ordered our regulars and they should be here soon." As soon as she said that, the waiter came over and placed their orders down. Riley got a coffee with coffee cake on the side, while Cassie got coffee with lemon loaf on the side. "So, how was your day?", asked Riley as she took a bite. Cassie stared at her coffee, "So far...absolutely terrible." Riley set her fork down, "What happened?" Cassie leaned back and laughed sarcastically, "Turns out my mom has stage 2 lung cancer and she could die if she doesn't get help soon...", Cassie paused, getting choked up. She wiped away some tears and continued, "Also had a call with Luke, apparently he has to go on a dangerous mission tomorrow and will most likely be killed." Tears ran down Cassie's face, "How do you do it Riley? Watch a loved one willingly sacrifice themselves for their country?" Riley reached out and stroked her hand, "It never is easy and it'll never get easier either. We just have to have faith that we'll see them again. It's all we can do." Cassie regained her composure and sipped at her coffee, "Enough about me, how are you doing?" Riley shrugged, "Josh and I have been getting closer, but I'm worried he won't come back...like Frankie." Cassie gave her a sympathetic smile, "I know how it feels, but as you said, we have to have faith that they'll come back home."

"Luke Morrow?" Luke looked up from putting on his last bits of gear, "Yes sir?" "Squadron is gathering now." Luke followed the solider and they walked to the gathering group. "Over here Luke!", Luke turned to see his friend Armando beckoning to him. Luke made his way over, "Ready?" Armando chuckled nervously, "Ready as I'll ever be." Josh Walter just happened to be walking by and saluted, "Go get 'em you two!" Luke saluted, "You got it Josh!" This little mission was for more experienced marines and since Josh was a little newer, he hadn't had to go. 'Probably to the relief of Riley', thought Luke. His mind wandered to Cassie, he missed her a lot. He had talked to her yesterday and he knew she was struggling with him being gone. Luke just hoped to get this war done and over and get back home. Unfortunately there was talk of the war breaking out of Afghanistan, Israel and the U.S. Other countries were beginning to take sides, the threat of another World War unleashing. "Move out!", the general's words had hardly left his lips when a whistle sound pierced the air. Before anyone knew it, a bomb exploded.

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