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AYLA sat on her bed as she stared up to the ceiling of her dorm room, a thousand thoughts swarming her head as she stared at the clock praying she could finally go home. She grabs her earphones that were lying on her bedside table and put music on her music player. She lays down listening to her music whilst hoping time would go faster as she hated the school she was in.

She was a quiet girl with not many friends as she kept herself away from people, most of the time all she would do was listen to music or spent time with her friends. She hated school as her mother went to the school when she was her age and all it reminded her of was her mom. She wasn't too fond of her dad as he worked away from home and was rarely in the picture however her and her mom were inseparable and spent loads of time together.

Ayla looked up at the clock on the wall, it read 10:04pm, she sighed and turned her music off and put it down on her bedside table, she laid down and shut her eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Morning came around quite fast as she heard the usual morning drill with the teachers bashing on every door at exactly 7am. She groaned and eventually woke up but quickly shot out of bed as she realised she had finished school for the summer. She ran to the bathroom and did her usual morning routine and began packing her bags.

It was suddenly 10am as she had finished her tasks for the morning and said goodbye to her friends and sorted her stuff out ready to leave. Mrs grose always sent a taxi to get her from the school as the fairchild residence was quite far from her school. She stood outside waiting patiently for the taxi to arrive as it finally came, she wanted to squeal in joy but refrained herself as she wasn't going to make a fool out of herself. Everyone either got picked up by their guardians or took the bus or even walked back if their house wasn't far, she hopped in the car as she watched everybody make their way out slowly from the school all happy and giggling as the year was over for summer.

She finally arrived at the residence as she was just as amazed as when she first saw the house as she hadn't been there in so long, she hopped out of the taxi and thanked the driver as she grabbed her bags and headed inside the house, admiring every little detail about it. She was stopped in her tracks as she heard a little girl scream "AYLA" at the top of her lungs and quickly ran over to her. She grabbed the girl and pulled her in so tightly as she missed her whilst she was away, "Flora! i missed you so much" she exclaimed after pulling away from the girl. Flora was always one of her favourites when she was born as she acted as a big sister as Flora looked up to her.

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