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Text in this font is thoughts!)

Jisung's pov


'Fucking hell.. I'm late, and it's the first fucking day.'
I opened the door to the classroom and just hoped that no one would notice my presence. But to my fear everyone turned their heads at me as soon as I came through the door.

-"aah, you must be Han Jisung. Please take a seat, and don't be late again!" Said the grumpy old man at the front of the classroom.

I just scoffed and took the first empty seat that I saw, next to a blonde kid with fox-like features who looked a little to smiley at me for my likeing.
-"Hi! My name is Yang Jeongin, I hope we can be good friends"

'Well fuck.. did I really have to sit down next to someone like him?!'

-"Sorry, not here to make friends"
I turned around to face the board while the kid just looked at me like I had just slapped him in the face. I tried to look so unbotherd as possible, while slightly feeling bad for being so cold to him. But it was the truth, I'm not here to make friends and I will make sure to never get any.

The professor went on and on about what kind of litterature we will need to succeed in his class, and how he will for sure know who is cheating if we ever tried. All I could think about was how I for sure would rather lay in my bed and rot than sit here listening to this old dusty grandpa.

'This will be a long fucking day if all the teachers are like this'-
My thoughts were cut of when a hand slammed down at my desk
-"It's the first day for you, so I'm gonna let you off the hook for being late. But if I see you doze of again in my class you will have alot of problems young man"

Everyone looked at me, with eyes that said that I should listen to what the old man said to me and not make a fuss. But I couldn't do that, right?

-" Sure old man, but if you don't want your students to doze off you should probably learn how to actually teach and not just stand there with the most boring look on your face"
As I said that and rolled my eyes, everyone just looked at me with wide eyes and mouths slightly open.

'Why the fuck is it a big deal that I talked back? I didn't even say anything bad?'

As I looked back at the professor, a hand flew at me with every intent to hurt me. But before he had the chance to touch me I took his hand with both of mine and stod up while turning his behind his back and pushed him away from me with enough force to make him stumble back a few meters.
-"Try to touch me again and you will regret it you dusty old bag"
I laughed as he looked stunned for a second, with his mouth slightly open and a red colour slowly making it's way up his neck and face.
-"GET OUT!" Was the only thing the man said, or shouted depending on how you want to see it, before he turned around and walked back to the front with fumes coming out of his ears.
I shrugged my shoulders and just slunged my bag onto my shoulder before leaving with a smile on my face.

'Who knew it was this easy to make sure to not get any friends? Didn't even have to use any real force or be mean to a student haha'

I walked around the hallways for a bit before going outside to find somewhere to sit and finally be able to take a smoke.
As I found a bench near some trees and sat down with a lit ciggarette between my lips I took my phone and headphones out to make the time go by. It was atleast 40 minutes until the next class anyway.

Jeongin's pov

As I sat there in my seat listening to prof. Kim going on and on about how we need to keep attention if we wanted to get through his class the door opened.
A boy with messy hair, beautiful eyes and frown stepped in to the classroom.

-"aah, you must be Han Jisung. Please take a seat and don't be late again!"

He scoffed and walked over and took the seat next to mine, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

-"Hi! My name is Yang Jeongin, I hope we can be good friends!"
As I said that with the most heartwarming smile I could give, he looked uncomfortable. And looked at me with a slight frown before he said
-"sorry, not here to make friends"

I didn't have a chance to reply before he turned around to look up the front of the classroom.

'Why did it slightly hurt?'

I saw the professor walk up to our table, and he slammed his hand down on the table. The entire room went completly quiet while everyone looked att the new boy.

-"It's the first day for you, so I'm gonna let you off the hook for being late. But if I see you doze of again in my class you will have alot of problems young man"

I looked at the new boy with pleading eyes, as if they somehow could tell him to not say anything stupid.

-" Sure old man, but if you don't want your students to doze off you should probably learn how to actually teach and not just stand there with the most boring look on your face"

'Fuck why did you talk back?!'

As we all saw the professors hand raise, whe stiffend in our seats just waiting for it to make contact with the new boys face.
We all sat there in utter chock, no one has EVER laid a hand on the professor. And here the new boy was, not only talking back without a care in the world, he also managed to push the professor away without even looking like it was a big deal?

'How the fuck did he manage to do that?'

For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was even more hot and mysterious now.

'I need to know more about him"

And that was the only thing I could think about for the rest of the class. But to my luck the professor didn't notice that I wasn't listening.

'Should I text the others and tell them about him?'

'Nah.. I should keep him to myself right now, I don't even know if he likes guys'

'I don't even know anything about him, but I will change that. Whatever it takes'


Okey, so this is the first part.
I know it's kinda boring, and short haha but I will write better parts I promise!
(I'm sorry for my very bad spelling hahah)

Please feel free to give me some feedback!

I'm not sure when I'm gonna be posting the next part, but hopefully soon.

See ya
~Ost33n ♡

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