First Impressions

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Y/N watched as a big black car pulled in front of the school. A tall lanky man stepped out from behind the wheel. He then opened the back door and a short stumpy man exited the car followed by a tall women with long black hair. They were quite the couple when standing side by side. After the women came out a small girl with jet black hair tied off in braids followed.

Y/N: You must be the new student. Well I hope Ajax is ready to pay up.

Principle Weems made her way to the family. Y/N watched intently to see what kind of interactions they would have. He noticed the small girl scanning the courtyard until her eyes landed upon his perch.

Y/N: There's no way she can see me, is there?

After his mental questioning he noticed her head tilt. She definitely saw him. Y/N slowly started to swing his legs back onto the balcony praying Weems wouldn't turn around. Suddenly Weems tilted her head and began to turn around drawing her gaze towards the rooftop where the new student was staring. In an instant Y/N ducked back onto the balcony and slowly crawled back into the building praying with all his might that he didn't get caught again. He sighed and slowly shut the window as to not draw any more attention to himself.

Wednesday's PoV

Wednesday scanned her surroundings as her new principal introduced herself and began talking to her parents. Something however caught her eye. One of the upper floors had a small balcony, upon the balcony sat the figure of a boy. Once she confirmed what she was seeing she began to tilt her head. Principal Weems noticed the small girl's gaze and turned to try and find what she was staring it at.

Weems: Is something wrong Wednesday? You seem awfully focused on something.

Wednesday: Nothing, I thought I saw something but it's most likely an optical illusion created from the shadows and gargoyles on the roof.

Weems smiled before moving on to the rest of the introduction.

Weems: Well if you all follow me to my office we can discuss things further.

Wednesday's parents followed the tall woman with Wednesday tailing behind them.

Y/N's PoV

Y/N gave a little sigh as he looked around, making sure no one had witnessed him on the balcony. He began to head back to his dormitory. On the way he decided to swing by Enid's to see if she still wanted to head to dinner together later. So he figured a quick detour to Ophelia Hall wouldn't take up too much time.

Weems: Y/N, what are you doing wandering about?

He looked up to catch the gaze of his head mistress along with those of the family he spotted earlier.

Y/N: I was just stopping off to see Enid.

Weems raised an eyebrow at the tall boy. He rocked slightly from side to side gripping his bag out of anxiousness.

Weems: Right, are you sure you weren't sneaking back to your dorm from being on the roof?

Y/N: Roof? Not at all. Besides you know that I'm not allowed up there.

He lied through his teeth with only one thought on his mind, escape. Weems raised an eyebrow only believing half of his story. Finally with a short sigh she stepped aside and introduced her current company.

Weems: Y/N I'd like you to meet the Addams family. This is Gomez, his wife Morticia, and their daughter Wednesday. Wednesday will be joining us as a new transfer student.

Y/N exchanged pleasantries with the older couple. He noticed Wednesday's mother gave him a curious look as he introduced himself. Almost as if she recognized him from somewhere. After their interaction he extened his hand to Wednesday. She glanced down at it raising an eyebrow before staring back at the boy.

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