Trip to Chicago

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Ambrosia woke up the next day getting ready for her plane trip to Chicago. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get a shower. Once she's done in the shower she wraps a towel around her hair and body looking at herself in the mirror.

Ambrosia brushes her teeth and walks back into her room to get dressed sitting at her vanity to do her makeup and brush her hair. She puts on her shoes and makes sure she got everything packed in her suitcase before she walks out of her room suitcase in hand. Ambrosia walks down stairs seeing her parents waiting for her. "Are you set and ready to go?" Mr. Belladonna asks. She nods her head and replies, "Yes dad I'm set and ready to go."

Mrs. Belladonna walks over to her daughter as Ambrosia gets off the last step and hugs her. "Have a great time and take as many pictures as you can" , she says pulling away from the hug. Ambrosia smiles and walks over to her father giving him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. She gets out of the hug and walks to the front door looking back at her parents. "Goodbye I love y'all" , Ambrosia said as she opens the door and walks out closing it behind her.

Ambrosia walks to her car and gets in starting the engine. She takes a deep breath and backed out of the driveway heading towards the Indianapolis airport.

When she pulled up to the airport, she parked her car and got out grabbing her suitcase walking into the airport she sat down in a seat at the gate of her flight and scrolled through her phone until they called for her flight boarding. Ambrosia handed them her ticket and got on the plane finding her seat. She sits down and waits for the plane to take off as a flight attendant comes up to her and asks if she wanted anything. She shakes her head no and puts in her earphones turning on her Corroded Coffin playlist listening to Eddie's voice feeling the plane take off Ambrosia looks out the window and smiles.

A few hours later, the plane lands in Chicago. As Ambrosia gets off the plane she walks to where her suitcase would be. Still listening to Corroded Coffin on her earphones she accidentally bumps into a tall man. Ambrosia takes out her earphones and looks up at the tall man seeing his curly long brown hair and brown chocolate eyes. She freezes in place not able to speak. It's Eddie Munson from Corroded Coffin.

Ambrosia clears her throat as Eddie was about to speak and grabs her suitcase rushing off to get to a cab and get to a hotel. Eddie just stood there watching her disappear as Gareth, Jeff, and Freak approach looking at him. "Dude she didn't even apologize for bumping into you" ,Gareth said as he grabs his suitcase as the others grabbed their suitcases as well. Eddie just shakes his head with a smile and starts walking out the door seeing a limo waiting for them. They got into the limo as Eddie turns his head and sees the girl that bumped into him and holds his hand up getting out. He walks up to her and clears his throat. "Hey do you um need a ride?" Ambrosia turns her head and looks up at him and replies, "Um no thank you I can just take a cab."

Eddie shakes his head and walks back to the limo but stops and turns around "You know it will probably take you a while to get a cab so I insist you get a ride with me and the guys if you are going to the LondonHouse hotel". Ambrosia looks around for a cab then looks at the man and replies, "Alright if you insist". She walks over with her suitcase handing it to him and gets into the limo finding a seat away from the guys.

Eddie chuckles with her suitcase in his hands and puts it into the trunk of the limo getting in he sits beside her and looks at her no words said as the limo starts driving to the hotel. It was an awkward ride but when they got to the hotel the driver opened the door to let them out. Ambrosia looks at the guys and gets out first. She looks at the big building in front of her as the limo driver takes their suitcases out of the back of the trunk. The guys get out and also look at the hotel in amazement. "Wow this place is big" ,Jeff replies. The others shake their heads as everyone grabs their suitcases and walks inside. Eddie holds open the door for Ambrosia as she walks in. He walks beside her and says, "My name is Eddie by the way. What's your name?" Ambrosia looks at Eddie and smiles replying, "Ambrosia. Ambrosia Belladonna. You're the lead singer/guitarist of Corroded Coffin. I actually came here to see y'all in concert". Eddie smiles knowing that he was talking to a fan.

"So Ambrosia what's your favorite song by us?", Eddie asks. Ambrosia starts to think as they were getting close to the front desk and replies, "Sex on Fire is my favorite song. I have a whole playlist on my phone of your songs". As they started talking about music they got the keys to their rooms. Eddie and Ambrosia carried on a conversation from the lobby of the hotel to the elevator as they ended up pressing different buttons from where their rooms would be. "Are you not staying on the 21st floor?", Eddie asks Ambrosia. " Unfortunately I don't have that kind of money like y'all do. I'm just a normal girl from Hawkins, Indiana". Eddie looks at her in surprise and says, "You're from Hawkins?". Ambrosia nods her head. " Well I guess we will get to see each other sometimes when the band catches a break. I'm from Hawkins as well". She looks at him and remember what Steve called Eddie. "Hey Eddie? Do you know a Steve Harrington by chance?", Ambrosia asks Eddie. Eddie laughs at the name and replies, " Yes I do. We went to high school together. He graduated and I kept failing so I stayed a senior for 3 years but after what happened I had the courage to actually pass my classes and graduate".

Ambrosia listened to Eddie about to ask what he meant by what happened until the elevator opened on her floor. She grabs her suitcase and steps out as Eddie placed his hand on the opening and asks, "Hey Ambrosia would you like to join me and the guys later for dinner?". She smiles and says, " Yes that would be awesome um see you later Eddie". Ambrosia waves to the guys and starts walking to her room opening the door. She walks in and places her suitcase near the chair and plops onto the bed smiling grabbing a pillow and squealing.

Ambrosia grabs her phone out of her pocket and calls her parents house phone telling them that she made it and got to meet the band since she was staying in the same hotel as them. She said goodbye to her parents and hung up the phone scrolling through her Instagram as she saw a post from Eddie that talked about her. She smiles and hearted the post putting her phone down on the nightstand. Ambrosia yawned and thought about taking a nap until it was time for her to get ready to go to dinner with Corroded Coffin.

Ambrosia takes off her shoes and lays down in bed closing her eyes drifting off to sleep after setting her alarm to 5:30 p.m.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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