Chapter 12 - He's alive..?

ابدأ من البداية

"I don't give a fuck what you said."


"You listen to me and I bring you to the person in one piece, or you don't and that thing inside of you will die, and you don't want that do you?" He added.


"So you follow instructions."

Just then his phone rang.


"We fled" Toyo said and I looked at Kyon.

"Wym you fled? What did you do with Tyvon?" He asked.

"Oh he got beat up, but O.Y came and we dipped. We had to." Toyo added.

"Wtf man."

"I'm sorry ik he's gonna try find her-"

"Not if he's willing to travel all the way to Dominica." 

"Dominica?!" I yelled and he slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Why tf is she even awake?"

"Don't question me Toyo."

"Ain't nobody questioning you nigga, you said you was gonna drug her ass."

"Yh that was til I realised she has a child in her stomach."

"So what? Drug her and dash the pikney. Simple."

"I said not to fucking question me. Get to the airport. Now."

And with that he hung up.

We pulled up to a red light and I started hitting Kyon.

"TAKE ME HOME! RIGHT FUCKING NOW KYON! I WANNA GO HOME!" I screamed at him with tears running down my face and he grabbed my hands and sat me back down.


I pulled on the door handle and he just watched me.

I tapped on the window and got someone's attention.

"Help me." I mouthed and they looked at me confused.


"Fuck." Kyon whispered and the light turned green and he sped faster than before down the road towards the airport.

"You don't fucking listen."

"Take me home."

"I can't take you home, your brother wants to see you." He replied and I looked at him baffled.


"Deiontai, he want's to see you." He replied and I started punching him.

"Why are you fucking lying to me, Deiontai's dead.".................

The reality...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن