long lasting love (angst m!reader)

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(This oneshot is inspired by a prompt given by whyiseverythingtak Thanks for the great prompt, mate (( changed some things up and made it even angsty-er. lol sorry, XD)) Well, I hope you enjoy)

(Summarized Prompt from Whyiseverthingtak 'immortal angel of death phil x mortal reader. The reader dies, and phil is heartbroken but finds a way to locate him in his next life.' That's the basic summary of the prompt ((quick thing some parts of the story are different and aren't exactly like the prompt))

Y/N - your name/reader

Philza pov
"My love my life, my everything. Oh, how I beg you don't leave me," I sobbed at the side of my lovers bed.

"My darling, my love, my philza. We both knew this day would come. This bed will soon be my tomb, promise me love. Promise me you will live on, live freely, and cough , and move on from me, " He whispered to me, kissing away the tears from my cheek as a tear rolls down his. My eyes widened as his eyes slowly went dull, and his once bright cheeks paled. I grabbed onto the sheets of the bed, my long dark claws ripping them apart as a deep, painful shriek sounded from my lips as I cried onto my lovers' cold dead body, my dark wings wrapped tightly around us.

Years went past, it had been approximately 24 years. I stayed in place and was alone in our cabin, nothing to keep me company besides the animals that roamed the forests around the old cabin and the dusty books scattered around. "Forgive me, my love, but. I can't let you go. I will find you again, even if it kills me trying." I mumbled, standing in front of his grave in the garden, his toomstone covered in moss and small vines. I slowly drifted back into the cabin, walking towards the piles upon piles of books I was searching through. I started my search through the books about 5 years ago. All of the books so far have had nothing of insight on how to find my lovers' reincarnation, but finally, I found something.

Reincarnation location.
The spell to find someone's reincarnation requires 3 ingredients and one sacrifice.
1 god apple/notch apple
2 blood of a holy figure and/or holy water
3 potion of weakness
To perform this spell, you must be willing. If you are not willing, the spell will not work.
You must eat the notch apple, drink the blood and weakness potion. Then, you must focus on the person you want to find. After a few minutes, you will know the exact location of the person. Although, as I said before, you need a sacrifice, it is said that this spell makes anyone who performs it have a curse worse than dea-

I quickly slammed the book closed, quickly standing up and rushing around the house in search of the ingredients. As I said before, I'm willing to do anything to get him back. I quickly gathered all the items and placed them down of the table, I slowly lifted up the god apple to my lips, my sharp teeth ripping into It. I quickly finished it, grabbing the holy water, downing the whole thing in one go, feeling the unpleasant burn of my throat as I quickly downed the weakness pot as well. I took a quick breath before closing my eyes, focusing all my thoughts on Y/N.

My throat went dry, and my limbs started to tingle as a painful scream retched from my lips as my entire body was engulfed in pain. Tears flooded down my face, and my entire body shook.

'Suck it up,' I thought to myself, 'think of Y/N its for him'

The pain suddenly stopped, confused my eyes fluttered open. Then suddenly a stream of blood came rushed down from my eyes, I quickly stood rushing towards the mirror looking at myself. My sclera had been completely blacked out and my iris had become an intense white. I stood agasped infront of the mirror before rushing to the book and quickly reading the end part.

After a few minutes, you will know the exact location of the person. Although, as I said before, you need a sacrifice, it is said that this spell makes anyone who performs it have a curse worse than death. The curse, is said to make changes to your physical body, things like eye colour/sclera colour, hair, sometimes you can become a whole different species all together. The spell also often causes excruciating pain and loss of blood although the spell also replaces that blood. The curse was made to torture those who wanted to see there lover again, those whom used this spell were mainly gods, goddesses, immortals and other long living creatures who had mortal lovers-

I slammed the book closed just as I felt the pain continue.

'Oh fuck..'

I whispered my long black nails digging into my palm.

880 words

(WOOOO, that was angsty, lol. And again, special thanks to whyiseverythingtak for the prompt. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it's a bit cringe. Got a boost of energy in the middle of the night and started writing XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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