Chapter I

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Sweat was forming on his forehead, he had been sitting here for eight hours trying to find a solution, but there was none. No matter how he turned it around. This was higher magic, magic he had never seen in this way. Soon his master would come and expect results that he could not give him. Not now, and Severus suspected there was no solution to this either. Whoever had thought up this terrible prank had thought of everything, there was no loophole, no antidote, nothing. Their lives were bound together and not even death could have changed that. He was well aware of the irony, but the strange flashes of light in the storm a few weeks ago, which could be a huge source of  energy for his master, were the least of his problems now.

Suddenly the door opened and the dark lord entered, Snape immediately stood up and bowed. "My lord, please forgive me, but I have not yet found a solution, Mr. Parker has thought of everything and made sure that there is no turning back." he almost whispered, not even wanting to imagine the consequences of it all, what would his master do now, what would he decide? As if Snape had said nothing, the dark lord walked past him and took a seat in his armchair. Severus Snape dared not look up, he did not want to look into those ruby-red, inhuman eyes. "Severus, if you say it like that, then unfortunately it will be the truth. You know I think a lot of you, I've looked at the whole thing again, there's no going back. But you might have found a loophole after all. Nevertheless, we could use this to our advantage and this Parker, whoever he is, will pay for it."

Lord Voldemort always said that purebloods should only sire offspring with purebloods, but he always appreciated a precious magical talent. He wanted to spare Lily Potter, not only because Snape had begged him to do so, but because of her extraordinary gift.

He had heard a lot about this muggleborn witch. She was always top of her class and Dolohov had also managed to outwit her. He knew that Antonin had a grudge against the girl, but he was also fascinated by her. Dolohov, like him, was a collector of extraordinary things. After the incident at the ministry, he saw in the Russian's mind that he wanted the girl at all costs. Even though Antonin would never have wanted it that way, he knew he would be happy to get the Gryffindor girl. 

"Call a meeting, we must go in search of Miss Granger immediately." Snape immediately raised his head and looked at his master worriedly, "But sir, according to the letter, we still have time to find her, should we shift our focus for now..." "Silence Severus, I will not allow my most precious Death Eaters to suffer pain or possibly death. Once we have the girl here, we can continue with our plans as normal."

Lucius paced nervously, this couldn't be true, it simply couldn't be! Why his son, why his family, why this mudblood! "Lucius, if you don't stop being so nervous, I'll have you glued to the chair!" growled Rabastan, his green eyes glittering menacingly. Breathing heavily, Malfoy Senior stopped: "I don't understand how you can stay so calm Rabastan, you're in this too! You're all affected!" he roared, "And for what, because this boy was bored! That's outrageous!" Draco looked into the fire and didn't listen to his father at all. Why should he get upset about something that couldn't be changed? He had already been able to read his godfather's face and if anyone knew anything about potions, it was him. He noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye and looked up.

Thorfinn and Dolohov sat down next to him. "If your father doesn't keep still, Rabastan will kill him," said the russian wizard, looking at the gold-colored liquid in his glass. "If I catch that Parker, I'll wring his neck!" Thorfinn groaned through clenched teeth. "I must confess I'm looking forward to it, I would have liked to have her as spoils of war either way." Antonin explained, looking quite pleased with the situation. "But I don't think you planned to have to share her with so many people, did you?" Thorfinn asked with amusement. "Not so much," Antonin admitted, "and that's definitely something we need to discuss." Draco grinned at him "I can imagine, I have to say, I can already see some advantages for myself from all this crap." he winked at the two wizards "Potter's lost without her, we all know that."

The Wife of Death EatersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora