Karlie nodded shyly and sat down on the couch Meredith and Olivia were currently perched on. "Hey guys. I'm taking your mommy out for the day. I hope you don't mind. I promise, I'll take really good care of her."

After hearing Karlie's adorable ramblings to her cats, Taylor walked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs with a smile.

Taylor finally decided on something cute and casual. She grabbed a red and white plaid shirt, jeans, a beanie, her red plaid button up coat, and slipped on some comfortable heels. She quickly got ready, not wanting to keep Karlie waiting.

Her nerves were building up again, excited about the day she would get to spend with her. They had only gone out a few times for coffee or lunch. Today was kind of their first official date.

Karlie picked her head up as she heard Taylor coming down the stairs. "Oh my god." She said.

Taylor looked down at her outfit, a little panicked. "What's wrong? Do you not like it? I can go change.."

Karlie shook her head and stood up. "You do realize we are totally twinning now right?" She said with a smile.

She noticed that the black jacket Karlie had on earlier was resting on the back of the couch. Taylor finally looked at Karlie's outfit. Karlie had on a black and white plaid shirt, black jeans, and some white high tops.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Karlie asked playfully.

"Honestly? No. I didn't even notice you had plaid on since your jacket was covering it. If you want, I can change. I don't want to embarrass you or anything." Taylor replied quickly.

Karlie walked over to her with a shy smile on her face. "You look absolutely amazing Taylor."

Taylor smiled nervously and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you for saying that."

"I mean it. You're perfect Taylor." Karlie said, her smile growing bigger.

Taylor blushed and looked back at Karlie. "So where are you taking me?"

"Ah. Well you see, I can't tell you. Because that would ruin the surprise." Karlie said with a smirk.

"Fine fine. I'll get it out of you eventually. I can be very persuasive you know." Taylor replied playfully.

"Oh believe me. I don't doubt that. I'm starting to realize that I don't know nearly enough about you. But I'm trying really hard to change that." Karlie said with a shy smile.

"Well let's get going shall we?" Taylor said looking down, trying to hide her blush.

"Yes. Let's. We have a busy day to get to." Karlie said as they headed out the door.

Taylor locked up her apartment and they headed downstairs and into the lobby.

"Wait!." Karlie shouted.

Taylor looked at her, startled by Karlie's outburst.

Karlie ran forward and pulled the door open. She smiled at Taylor and gestured for her to walk through it.

Taylor laughed. "That's what I had to wait for?" She said playfully, even though she loved that Karlie wanted to hold the door for her.

"Yes ma'am. My momma raised me right. A lady should never have to open doors for herself on a date." Karlie said with a fake southern accent. "You being the lady here, I assume the gentlemanly duty of holding the door." Karlie said with a smile as Taylor walked through the door.

"You're adorable." Taylor said as she laughed softly.

Karlie let the door close and gestured to her car.

She opened the passenger door for Taylor and put her hand on the small of Taylor's back to help her in the car.

"All good?" She asked before she shut the door.

Taylor nodded her head and smiled at Karlie's cuteness.

Karlie got in and began driving to their destination.

A few minutes into the car ride, Taylor decides to try and figure out Karlie's surprise.

"So. Where are we going?"

Karlie glances at Taylor, shakes her head, and then looks back at the road.

"Ooh. The silent treatment huh? It's ok. I'll figure it out. Are we going somewhere far?" Taylor questions.

"Not too far. And I'm not going to tell you. You might as well give up." Karlie said with a laugh.

"Me? Give up? NEVER!!"Taylor said with an evil laugh.

Karlie adjusted her hand on the wheel so she was driving with her left hand and she rested her right arm on the arm rest. She simply smirked at Taylor and kept driving.

Taylor reached out for Karlie's hand and started to play with her fingers.

Karlie smiled to herself and looked down as Taylor slipped her hand completely into hers and intertwined their fingers. She looked over at Taylor who was looking out the window, still trying to figure out where they were headed.

Karlie gave her their hands a light squeeze and started drawing circles on the back of Taylor's hand with her thumb.

Taylor turned her head and looked at Karlie. Karlie turned her head and their eyes locked momentarily.

Karlie looked away to put her eyes back on the road. But Taylor couldn't stop smiling. In that brief stare, she saw absolute happiness. She didn't care where they were going anymore. All she cared about was the fact that Karlie was the one she was going to be with.

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