Chapter I

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      Piper woke up with a shock. It was just a bad dream she thought to herself. It's been 12 years since they died. Piper got up out of bed trying not to wake Leo and Jason. She put her shoes on and started to walk out of the cave. Piper continued to walk through the forest when she came suddenly stopped at a tree. It was a big beautiful tree that had branches so big that you could sit on top of them. She started to climb up in the tree until she came to the top. What Piper likes up here was that you could see almost the whole forest. Suddenly, a rattle came from of the bushes. She picks up a branch and aims it.

      "Ow," a voice from the bushes said.

      "Oops, sorry. Wait! Jason what are you doing here.?"

      "Well," he said, "I saw you get up so I followed you to make sure your ok."

      "Well I'm fine. So, you can go back."

       Instead of walking back to the cave. Jason started to climb the tree. He made it to the top and sat next to Piper. They sat there in silence until he said,

     "What brought you up hear?"

      "I had a bad dream."

     "Was it about seeing your brother in a dress. Cause I might've had nightmares for days if I see that."

     All Piper could do was laugh. Jason was the best. Originally , he was her brother Leo's friend, but one day Piper went to go in the woods and climb a tree. She was six around that time. Her brother was seven and so was Jason. Leo and Jason were coming back when a stick fell from the tree and hit Leo in the head. Piper and Jason started to laugh and that's how they met. 

    "So," he said snapping her out of her daydream, "What was it about?"

   "That night the fire and-"

    "You don't have to finish your sentence. I know."

So, Piper and Jason hopped down from the tree and started to walk back when all of a sudden a dragon  popped out of the bushes!

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