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Emma ran through the crowd of people as quickly as she could. Literally. She was convinced all of London's population must be stuck here right now based on how many people she was seeing getting in and off the tubes.

She pushed her way through a swarm of even more people and jumped quickly into the tube, the doors closing not even a second later.

She breathed heavily and grabbed onto the nearest pole, looking all around as she received quite some dirty looks, probably because of what she was wearing. Emma looked down at herself and noticed how ridiculous she looked, but this morning she did not have the time to worry about that.

Her pajama shorts and long coat combination were definitely not apt for this freezing 30-degree Fahrenheit weather, and what made it even more disappointing and disapproving was that she didn't even bother to put a shirt or a bra on beneath her long winter coat.

Emma secured the buttons a bit tighter, but you could still see a bit of cleavage, so she just crossed her arms over her chest and waited desperately until she could get off, silently cursing herself for her extreme hangover and headache.

After about 5 extremely long minutes, Emma got off at High Street Kensington Station and started to reach the exit. She finally breathed in the fresh air, slightly grateful for the cold weather which made her wake up a bit more.

She started walking to her townhouse, which took about 10 minutes if she didn't get distracted with getting coffee or flowers from the markets.

Emma started to get a view of her place from where she was, so she sighed contently, wanting nothing more than to step into the warm, cozy feeling of home.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when she started hearing the familiar clicking and shuttering noises coming from her left. Emma turned in that direction to see a group of huddled-up photographers taking pictures as if their lives depended on it. (Which made her feel bad, because they kind of did).

The first thing she thought of was: I'm fucking topless. If it wasn't for the coat that covered a small part of her, they would get incredibly rated R pictures that she would definitely not want to have lying around.

Emma quickly secured the coat even tighter and started quickening her pace to get to her place sooner. She lowered her head, but became terrified when she looked back and saw that 3 men started following her.

She breathed heavily and started getting nervous as they kept shouting her name and wanting her to pose for their pictures.

The fuck she'll pose for the pictures. Emma has always hated that she can't even have a bit of privacy, especially in situations like this. She knows that that's on her though. She didn't realize there were consequences when stepping out of Mark's place in this outfit- without a care in the world.

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