He distracted his slightly salty mind by giving a minute to admire (Y/N)'s space. It was definitely not the cleanest but it was still mostly organized. The bed was a wreck.

Like he was cozily wrapped up before aggressively wrestling the blankets in an attempt to cease his freedom.

The voices steadily started streaming in with that image in their minds, some cooed at the thought. Others said things like "his tall ass would."

Techno begrudgingly hoisted himself off the bed with a groan, slightly annoyed to be abandoning the warmth of the comforter. He gave a stretch and felt his bones give a few satisfying pops before he went back to his normal slouching.

He then surveyed the ladder.

He doesn't know what it is about the woman upstairs but her presence made his own home feel... eerie? He felt jumpy. Like the ladder led to his doom.

There was a sense of foreboding to even enter the main part of his house.

But he swallowed it down and lifted himself up the steps of the ladder.


(Y/N) had a method to his madness.

The madness being his daily schedule of course.

He'd do it whenever and however, hopping from chore to chore and waking up super early just to stare at the crows- chat - who would stare back. But he would get what he needed done in a timely manner.

No order to it but it would be done.


This woman was just madness.

God knows when she fell asleep, where she fell asleep, or when would she wake up. God knows how she's alive right now at this point.

She is held together with nothing but duct tape and a prayer at this point.

(Y/N) had woken up to some bad phantom pains and after he wallowed in pain for a few minutes, not much else he could do, he attempted to lull himself back to sleep.

Expect he couldn't for the life of him achieve this goal. So he gave up and walked upstairs for a cup of coffee or something, his steps soft as to not wake anyone up.

Unnecessary though for when he got up to the living room he choked out a yelp of surprise to see his aunt sat up with a face mask on reading a book by the candle light. "Ack! holy!-"

This just received a blank look from Savanna as she slowly lowered her book and held judgmental eye contact with the man. She kept her thumb weaved between the pages to keep her page.

"Wanna try that again and sound more like a more than six foot tall enderman hybrid and less like you just shit you pants at the sight of a five three woman?"


"No, not really."

"Okay then."

She spoke with her dramatic southern accent melted into her words. Expect instead of sickly sweet it was playfully condescending.

Fatherly Instincts जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें