Nodding, Lloyd leaned forward, grabbing your hand, "I think- I think it has to do with that heavy feeling I always felt. Like I was carrying an extra pressure with every breath I took. That's- that's the best way to describe it."

Taking a seat on the bed, you held his hand in your lap, watching Wu's expression form into disappointment. "Why did you never tell any of us?"

"We were constantly going through mission after mission- I didn't want to make anything worse. I thought it was just something I ate, or contracted from a mission. But it's not, is it?" He asked, rubbing his cold hand into your's.

Pursing his lips, Wu shook his head. "Your Oni part of yourself.. it was conflicting with your power. Your Elemental Power was fighting against it, but that only caused it to grow stronger." He paused, seeing if Lloyd had a reaction past just nodding. He didn't. "We -Y/n and I- went to go get you something to heal you. Firstbourne's shed."

He furred his brows, looking at you both. "Firstbourne was in Ninjago?"

Shaking your head, you glanced down to your lap. "We were in the First Realm."

Leaning forward, Lloyd grabbed you, hugging you from the side. "I didn't mean- I never wanted you to- I'm so sorry Y/n."

Hugging him back, you sighed. "It's not your fault. It wasn't horrible either- it was different.. nicer this time. And we only stayed until Firstbourne was there."

Wu coughed, getting your attention again. "With the Dragon skin, we are able to temporarily negate your Oni side. But it's temporary. We'll-" he paused, brushing his hand through his beard. "We'll have to find some kind of permanent solution eventually."

Lloyd nodded, before starting to choke again. Bringing the bucket back up, he puked inside of it.

Standing up, Wu handed you the bowl. "It's about time to open shop. Stay with Lloyd, and make sure he drinks about half a gram of dissolved skin every 3 hours." You

Grabbing it, you handed the bowl to Lloyd, who began swallowing the shining liquid as you set a timer for 3 hours.

KoKo ran past the door, shoving objects into her purse as she slid her shoes on. "I have to go to my diner job. If anything happens, my number is on the fridge, the food is almost done on the stove, and Lloyd has a spare key on his dresser for any emergencies. Take care of him... please." She then opened the door, hurried out with a click of the lock.

Lloyd sighed. "I'm really fucking sorry- I didnt-"

"If you didn't mean to, you have no reason to say sorry. What's done is done, and I understand you did what you did to just keep everything simple." You mumbled, placing his hand on the side of the bed.

He pressed his hands into the mattress, sitting tall. "How long was I out for?"

Rubbing your thumb into your palm, you looked at your sand covered shoes. "KoKo said you were out for four days. Me and Wu arrived a day ago, and then spent about another day in the First Realm. So I'd say 5 days."

Lloyd nodded biting his upper lip. "I-"

The kitchen timer began to beep loudly, loud enough the upstairs neighbors could definitely hear it. Excusing yourself, you walked into the kitchen, seeing puffy potstickers on the stove. Taking the pan off the stovetop, you began opening cabinets trying to find a plate.

"Plates are in the upper cabinet next to the fridge!"

How'd he know you were looking for plates? Sure enough, the cabinet held plates of various shaped and sizes. Grabbing a paper plate from the stack, you took the potstickers off the stove, and only mildly burned your fingertips.

Bringing the plate back to his room, you set it on the stool, before sitting on the floor. Picking one up, you brought it to your mouth and began blowing on it. Biting on it, the soft crackle as you bit the bun was the only thing filling the awkward silence.

"Y/n.. do you still love me?"

Choking on the pork bun, you coughed it up, and tried swallowing it again. "What? What do you mean?"

Lloyd shook his head, positioning himself at the edge of the bed. "I asked if you still loved me."

Taking in a breath of the still air, you sighed. "I do. But I'm not sure how to show it after all I've been through. And I'm not sure how you want me to show it after 5 months of not seeing each other.. Do you still love me?"

He pursed his lips, a small nod quickly grew into a bigger one. "It felt easier to talk to you after you came back from the First Realm the first time. Now it's- I dunno.. a bit awkward.

Putting a hand on his crossed knee, you smiled. "I understand what you mean. It's kind of scary, basically having to start over again."

Putting his potsticker down, he grabbed your hand. "I don't want to start over. I want things to be the same as it was. But- but it can't be the same since she's gone..."

Taking another bite, you stood up, unlaced your dirty shoes and sat back onto his bed. Facing him, you raised your eyebrows tilting your head. "This is what I mean. We need time to grieve, that's why you left, and it was perfectly reasonable."

He nodded, hesitantly leaning his head forwards, and into your's. "I'm scared, I don't want things to be awkward."

Pressing your forehead into his, you sighed. "I know."

"I don't want to restart.. I'm so scared.."

"...I know."


Did more research with my friend and found out Lego is neutral to Israel (haven't announced anything currently) so yippee new chapter!!


Also here's how I imagine Lloyd and KoKo's apartment layout to be, along with the small layout of Lloyd's room as well, feel free to imagine your own floorplan if you don't like this one

Also here's how I imagine Lloyd and KoKo's apartment layout to be, along with the small layout of Lloyd's room as well, feel free to imagine your own floorplan if you don't like this one

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