Chapter 6:confusion or what

Start from the beginning

Nicki POV
I didn't mean to dial meek.I just..just..just don't know what happened to get safaree in my bedroom.

Nicki was in a night club in Flatbush New York and she eventually ended up running into safaree.DJ Boof announced her name in the microphone and Nicki walked up the stairs.DJ Boof started to play truffle butter and she started to sing.

After 30 minutes of performing she was finished for the night.She went to go sit down in the v.I.p and ordered myx miscato*auto correct..tell me if it changed the word or not* and relaxed on the sofa while dej loaf performed.She saw safaree walk in and she looked away.
"Hey nicki what u doing here"safaree asked trying yo hug her
"I had a performance"nicki said smiling
"Oh..u wanna come up to the top deck?"safaree asked
"Yah sure u can't stand the smoke smell"nicki said getting up.
Safaree and nicki walked to elevator that led to the top had a beautiful vure of new York.
He and nicki finally got to the top floor and they shared another drink.
The while time safaree was looking at Nicki's a$$ and Nicki could tell he was.
"So what's going on"safaree asked
"Nothing much u"nicki asked
"Nahhh just signing and rapping"safaree said looking down
Nicki could tell he wanted some, so she started to smile and walked over to safaree. She put her hands around his neck.
"What you doing?"safaree asked
Nicki didn't say anything but just teased safaree. After that nicki was in bed with safaree. Her phone was on the bed and she accidentally called meek.
Y'all know what happened after that. Meek stayed to curse out nicki and he going up the phone on her before she could explain. She grabbed her clothes and left. Safaree was in bed still asleep. By that time, it was already 10:00. She was leaving that night back to California she was waiting on meek to curse her out for what she did.

On the other side of the world, meek was in the club enjoying himself until a girl walked up in front of him.he noticed that it was Nicki's best friend, ciara. She walked up in front of meek and pretended to drop her phone. She bent over to pick it up and...........

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