“Imlie I want speak to you” Aditya said

“I also want to speak to you about something very important” replied Imlie.
Aditya was very excited to hear her, Rupi looked at her but she had a confused looked on her face. Imlie excused herself and stepped out, heading upstairs she went to the Balcony Area with Aditya which is also very close to his room.

Aryan seeing them followed their movements, switching to each camera as they moved, getting to the balcony Aryan realized he couldn’t hear their conversations. The cameras he installed at the Tripathi house doesn’t have speakers, Imlie was not with her phone as she gave it to Arpita.
Aryan felt something strange in his chest, almost like a pain, he couldn’t control his lungs as they begged for air. He quickly ran out of the basement into his room, grabbing his keys he put on a shirt and stormed out of the mansion.

“Aditya Sir I want to ask you about something very important”

“Ask away Imlie” Aditya replied thinking it was about their relationship

“It is about the incident that happened 4 years ago that caused the death of Arvind Shekhawat, please tell me more of the incidents and how you came about the articles you published”.

“So, you still care about Imlie, then why are you not coming back to me”

“Please that’s not why I am here to just answer my question”

“Fine I got a unanimous tip and evidence concerning the activities of Arvind and the Rathore Pharmaceutical. It was from there I did some investigations and that’s how the article came about”

“Did you verify the source, was the evidence genuine because from what I have heard Arvind was never a bad person”

“Imlie are you trying to say I don’t know my job or I can’t carry out a good investigation?” Aditya yelled at her

“I am not saying anything like that Aditya Sir, but I will advise you watch your tone when you speak to me”

“Then what are you saying that Mr. Shekhawat was killed because of article?”

“I am only saying that you could have made a mistake or misunderstood a situation and published false story which led to someone being killed”

“Imlie I am an experienced journalist of 10 years do you think I will make such a mistake; everybody knows I am good at my job”

“Everybody but me” the both of them looked at each other, Aditya was shocked to hear that “Yes you heard me, I was once a victim of your false reporting remember. You questioned my character in the newspaper because you saw something and without questioning me like the journalist with 10 years’ experience that you are you destroyed the reputation of a 19 years old girl who has never been with any man”

She wiped away a tear that fell on her cheek with a finger and composed herself to speak, Aditya reached out to hold her hand but she stepped back raising a hand to him to stop

“Imlie I am sorry, I was manipulated and you know that”
Imlie chuckled at his ridiculous statement.
“Aditya Sir I just need one thing from you help me with all the articles and documents which you worked for that article, please the evidence the phone with which you got the tip please help me everything”

Aditya was not willing to do so but if that would mean that he can get sometime to talk to Imlie he will do that

“Fine let’s go to my room, it will take some time for me to find them it’s been years gather it all”

“No you can go I will wait for you here, I don’t want to be caught alone in a room with you”

“it won’t mean anything besides you are my wife”

COMPLICATED SOULMATE (An Arylie Dark Love Affair)Where stories live. Discover now