Chapter 2

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I wake up and he's right there sitting next to me holding my hand.
"Dad!" Tears well up in my eyes, he's okay. "Dad you're here."
"Yes I am poppet. Daddy will always be here." He says with a big smile but tears in his eyes.
I feel something beneath me, shattered glass.
"Dad what's this glass doing here?" I look around at my dad and where I am lying. I see the blood, not from my dad but from me, it is pouring out of my stomach. I try to stop it but I can't move, I can only see, and I see my dad, shaking me.
"Please get up!! Please be okay just wake up please." Tears are running down his face, he slowly gets up and walks away to the door. 'Dad please don't leave I don't want to be alone, please don't go!!!' As soon as he steps out of the door I hear a crunch from the other end of the room, it's the bald man he's walked across some of the glass and he is walking towards me. He is holding the knife in his hands and he has a horrible grin stretching across his face.
I scream out for help but no one hears me I can't breath, terror has taken over my body. He is standing over me and he holds the knife up and come down into my chest.
I Scream and scream but I don't feel anything and with in seconds I am sitting up with someone humming soothingly and rubbing my back.
"It's okay, it's okay, it was just a dream, you'll be alright." I look around and I'm in a pale coloured room with a window a coffee table and a bed which I am currently in.
"Where am I!!" I scream out in worry. Grasping onto the hands of the person who was rubbing my back.
"You're at my place. It's me Thirteen, look." He holds each side of my face and moves it to face his. I feel my body relax. He stand up and reaches for the mug on the coffee table, he is perched on the bed beside me.
"I'm sorry, bad dream."
"I can tell, you've been crying and screaming the last two hours." He says with a chuckle. While passing me a cup of tea
"Oh god, I'm so sorry. Did I keep you awake?" I ask feeling very guilty and a little bit uncomfortable.
"Don't worry about it, we got in at around 4:30 and I didn't really feel up to sleeping." He says with a shy smile on his face.
"I feel like I'm intruding in your home, you don't even know my name."
"Well, why don't you tell me?" He says with a smirk across his face.
"My name's Parker, what about you?"
"Thirteen" he says very bluntly.
"I mean... Your real name. Like your birth name." I say wishing he wouldn't be so difficult.
"I don't think you need to know. At Least not yet." He says his eyes mocking me.
He is so patronising, I'm not a child and I don't need to be told what I should and shouldn't know.
He stands up and walks towards the door, he pauses before he leaves, he looks over his shoulder and says
"Noel." Very calmly and quietly and then he walks away leaving me to sit in silence.

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