"Well, you helped me with that. Make sure to stay close or it will happen again before this shopping trip is over." I only half joke, the burning pain in my throat still raging.


Rosalie's POV:

It's my last day as a vampire, and it couldn't feel more surreal. I always wondered what it would be like if my life had never changed. Would I still be with Emmett? I likely never would have even found him. His bones would litter the woods where I found him after he was attacked by that bear. Had carlisle never found me, I would have bled out after being attacked by my ex fiance and his friends. While it's true that Carlisle gave me a life that I never could have even imagined, it isn't enough. I wanted more in life, although I guess that doesn't matter because I would've just died. Now i'm frozen in time, never aging, never bleeding, never sleeping...

Emmett has the right idea about wanting to spend my last day as an immortal spending time together. Of course, he wants to stay in bed. I have other things in mind, though. I want Emmett to chase me through the woods, always being a step ahead of him with his bulky build. I want to feel the wind whipping through my hair at a speed that would kill a human. I want to listen to nature. I want to feel the earth rumble beneath my feet as a stampede of deer run away from me in fear for their lives. I want to jump off the side of the cliff and fall, just to land on my feet, perfectly unscathed. I want to feel everything as intensely as I can because I know the moment I turn human, my senses will become dull. My mind will feel foggy. My vision will become weak. My speed will slow, and one day, my life will end.

I told Emmett my plan, and that's what we're doing. He chases me through the woods. I feel the wind in my hair, caressing my skin like a long, lost lover. The Earth beneath my feet trembles as we run. We scale up the largest mountain that we can find at an inhuman speed. My strong immortal fingers imprinting in the mountain as I climb. Within two minutes, we reach the top of the mountain. The mountains peak pierces through the clouds, and the air is thin up here. Not that that matters since we don't have to breathe. That's something else I would have to get used to again being human, breathing.

We stand at the top of this mountain peak and just watch as the sun begins to set. I'm not ready to leave just yet, but we are hundreds of miles away from home, hours away from home. Emmett pulls me into an embrace, and we hold each other for a while as we stand on top of the mountain. I never want this feeling to end, but my human life is waiting for me. I break my embrace with Emmett, peck him on the cheek, and then I leap off the side of the mountain.

The earth crumbles beneath me as I land perfectly on my feet just as predicted. After a moment, Emmett lands beside me, the earth crushing under his weight. The after shock of Emmett's impact vibrates the ground beneath our feet. I watch as the dirt lifts into the air, dancing in the wind.

"Catch me if you can!" I give Emmett a sly smile, and then I sprint off into the wind.

I speed through the forest, the trees limbs whipping me in the face. I hear Emmett catching up, and I pick up my speed.

"You have an unfair advantage with speed!" Emmett yells from behind me. I giggle and continue speeding at fast as I possibly can.

Emmett chases me like this until we get home, and then we run upstairs and crash into our bed. We spend the rest of the night making love, allowing pleasure to course through us until the sun begins to rise.

At the site of the sun peaking through the curtains, a new feeling overwhelms me. Anxiety. Within just a few hours, I'll be going through the process that changed me back into a human. Evie explained that the painful process will last for days. The concoction that I ingest will spread through my veins, burning my venom. As it dissipates, my blood cells will return to normal , returning me back to my human state. I will be reborn. Evie mentioned my heart might not start beating on it's own and her clan will have to perform CPR or shock it back to the living. I've been assured that I will live and that they have never lost a person who has had the ritual done, but for a brief moment, I may not exist at all and that terrifies me.

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